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Simple Socket Controller -- create and manage pools of websockets

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Simple Socket Controller

Built on top of gorilla toolkit's websocket package, this library allows caller to create and control a pool of websockets

NOTE: This package is still under development.

To import the package into your application:

import ""

To install the package on your system:

go get

Example Usage

First create an instance of ssc.Pool by calling ssc.NewPool() which takes a configuration object as a parameter:

sockets := []string{

pool := ssc.NewPool(sockets, time.Second*45)
err := pool.Start()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error starting new Pool.")

The above example starts a pool of websocket server connections. In order to start an empty pool which is ready for client websockets to connect, send an empty slice for the first parameter:

pool, err := ssc.NewPool([]string{}, time.Second*45])
err := pool.Start()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error starting new Pool.")

To add individual client connections call pool.AddClientSocket() from a route handler:

func main() {
	r := mux.NewRouter()	// gorilla mux package

	pool := ssc.NewPool([]string{}, time.Second*30)
	err := pool.Start()
	if err != nil {
	    log.Fatalf("Error starting new Pool.")

	upgrader := &websocket.Upgrader{}	// gorilla websocket package
	r.Handle("/". wsHandler(pool, upgrader))

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r))

func wsHandler(pool *ssc.Pool, upgrader *websocket.Upgrader) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		err := pool.AddClientSocket("clientID", upgrader, w, r)
		if err != nil {
			// handle error
		// do other stuff

Caller application can also add individual server connections with pool.AddServerSocket:

err := pool.AddServerSocket(URL)
if err != nil {
	// handle error

Data is moved in instances of the Message type.

type Message struct {
	// ID is the raw URL string for server connections and is set by caller application for client connections.
	// The read goroutine sets the ID equal to the ID of the Socket before sending it to the pool to be sent to the outbound channel.
	// Caller app must be careful to change the ID on the Message if it needs to send it to a specific socket in a Pool of client sockets
	ID      string

	// Type are defined in the websocket protocol:
	// They are also described here:
	Type    int

	// Payload is any message serialized into a slice of bytes
	Payload []byte

For writing to sockets from the caller application there are a few options:

// Write sends message to specific socket based on the id string
// returns an error if Message.ID parameter is empty or not in stack
err := pool.Write(&Message{ID: "client1", Type: websocket.TextMessage, Payload: []byte("Hello!")})
if err != nil {
	// handle error

//WriteAll sends message to all sockets in `Pool` regardless of the ID string in Message
pool.WriteAll(&Message{Type: websocket.TextMessage, Payload: []byte("Hello!")})

// Another way to send a Message to all connected websockets is to send directly into the Pool.Inbound channel
pool.Inbound <- &Message{Type: websocket.TextMessage, Payload: []byte("Hello!")}

ssc provides a couple of convenience methods as well:

// Count returns the number of connections active in the `Pool`
count := pool.Count()

// List returns a slice of ID strings for the connections active in the pool
connections := pool.List()

Lastly, if the caller application has no more need for the Pool it can use:


The above will cleanup all running goroutines. This method will shutdown all read/write goroutines, wait for confirmation, and then shut down all control goroutines that are running.

Usage for server WebSockets here:

Usage for client WebSockets here: and here:

Work Left To Do



Simple Socket Controller -- create and manage pools of websockets







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