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Dualistic Website

Project description

This website is based on the Astro template web3Templates.

All the code is inside src folder:

  • assets contains standard images for the website
  • components contains all the principal components of the website. Each .astro file here is an ELEMENT of the webpages, like the Footer or the Container.
  • content contains the blog folder in which are collected the .md with the articles and the team folder in which are collected the .md with the Team description
  • layouts contains the .astro files for the style of all the pages and the blog, which is a little bit different because it dinamically loop over the articles in blog folder
  • pages contains all the websites pages. Adding a new file here means adding a new page to the website
  • utils contains random js code.

Relevant files

  • To add new blog articles, just add a new .md in the blog folder following using the same header you can find in the first article.

How to run for development

~$ npm install
~$ npm run dev