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printf debugging done the right way.


  • Pretty-prints all the required information about code.
  • Uses only C++/C++11, standard and system libraries; does not use any external preprocessors or libraries.
  • Supports output redirection.
  • Crossplatform. Tested with:
    • Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.29)
    • GCC 4.9.2
    • MinGW 4.9.3
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015
  • Free for all (MIT license).



#include "trace-out.hpp"

int main()
    $f // pretty-print when function is called and returned

    int answer {42};
    std::string moto {"hellomoto!"};

    $w(answer, moto) // print "answer" and "moto" values

    $if (answer == 42) // print condition value
        $return answer; // print return value

    $return 0; // print return value


[Thread: 0x7fff77293000]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            main.cpp:5    |  int main()
                          |  {
            main.cpp:10   |      answer = 42
                          |      moto = "hellomoto!"
            main.cpp:12   |      if (answer == 42) => true
            main.cpp:13   |          return 42
            main.cpp:5    |  }    // int main()


Simply add source code to your project and you're ready to use it.

trace-out's interface is based on macros that pretty-print information about their arguments.


$w(<variable1>, <variable2>, ...) – print values of listed variables (supported with C++11 and later).

$e(<expression>) – print value of passed in expression and return that value (can be used inside other expressions).

$m(<pointer>, <size>, <base> | <byte-order>) – print memory under <pointer>.

<pointer> – address of the memory to be printed. Type of the pointer defines byte grouping and default <base>. For example, memory under unsigned char * pointer will be grouped by 1 byte and hexadecimal numbers will be used; memory under int * will be grouped by 4 (or 8) bytes and signed decimal numbers will be used. For unknown types default grouping is by 1 byte and numerical base is hexadecimal.

<size> – size of memory in bytes.

<base> | <byte-order> (both optional) – numerical base for value representation and order of the bytes to use when converting bytes to the numeric values.

Numerical base flags (default value is determined as described above):

  • trace_out::BIN – binary
  • trace_out::SDEC – signed decimal
  • trace_out::UDEC – unsigned decimal
  • trace_out::HEX – hexadecimal (default)
  • trace_out::FLT – single precision floating point number
  • trace_out::DBL – double precision floating point number
  • trace_out::LDBL – floating point number with precision equal to long double for current platform

Byte order flags (default value is determined automatically):

  • trace_out::LITTLE – big-endian
  • trace_out::BIG – little-endian

$f – print function call and return labels. Should be used inside a function and preferably be the first expression in it.

$return <expression> – print expression value passed to the return statement.

$if (<condition>) – print condition value of the if statement.

$for (<statements>) – print number for each iteration of the for loop.

$while (<condition>) – print condition value for each iteration of the while loop.

$p(<format>, ...)printf-like function.

$thread(<name>) – set thread name that will be printed in the thread header.


Macros $w, $e, $return, $if and $while support following types:

  • all fundamental types, raw pointers, standard smart pointers, std::string, std::pair, std::tuple
  • iterable types – for which std::begin() and std::end() are defined (supported with C++11 and later)
  • sturctures and classes with data members x, y, z, width, height, origin and size in lowcase, HIGHCASE and Capital


Macros $f, $if, $for and $while automatically shift indentation of the output inside their blocks.


Output is flushed before reading variables and dereferencing pointers that are passed from the outer context, thus it is more clear where things went wrong when memory was corrupted.


int bueno {456};
int &no_bueno {*(int *)nullptr};
$w(bueno, no_bueno) // will show "Segmentation fault" when try to read "no_bueno" value


[Thread: 0x7fff77293000]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            main.cpp:3    |  int main()
                          |  {
            main.cpp:5    |      bueno = 456
                          |      no_bueno = Segmentation fault: 11

Output Redirection

To make custom redirection implement following functions within some namespace in .cpp file (no header required):

  • void print(const char *string) – print string
  • void flush() – flush output
  • size_t width() – get width of the output in characters

To use custom redirection you should:

  • Add <redireciton>.cpp file to a project.
  • Define macro TRACE_OUT_REDIRECTION with a name of the namespace where redirection functions are defined.


There are built-in implementations for redirecting output to Windows debug output and to a file: trace_out_to_wdo and trace_out_to_file respectively. By defulat trace_out_to_file saves output to trace-out.txt. To change this define TRACE_OUT_TO_FILE with desired file name. No <redirection>.cpp files required when using these built-in redirections.


trace-out is turned on if NDEBUG is not defined or TRACE_OUT_ON is defined; turned off if NDEBUG or TRACE_OUT_OFF is defined.

There is an output synchronization that prevents outputs from different threads to mix up. By default it is turned on. To disable syncronization define macro TRACE_OUT_NO_OUTPUT_SYNC.

Option #defines

TRACE_OUT_ON – turn trace-out on.

TRACE_OUT_OFF – turn trace-out off.

TRACE_OUT_REDIRECTION – use redirection functions from namespace that is used to define this macro.

TRACE_OUT_WIDTH – width to which output is wrapped (actually only the thread header and memory output are wrapped). This macro overrides value returned by <redirection_namespace>::width() function. Default value for standard output is 79.

TRACE_OUT_INDENTATION – string that is used as an indentation for the actual output. Default value is " " (4 spaces).

TRACE_OUT_NO_OUTPUT_SYNC – disable output syncronization.


  • Passing variable or expression of unknown type to $w, $e, $return, $if or $while will cause multiple compiler errors like candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with Type_t = <your-unknown-type>].

    Fix: try to cast to one of the supported types or try to pass single fields to these macros if type is struct/class/union.

  • Using precompiled headers with Visual Studio will cause compiler error.

    Fix #1: exclude trace-out.cpp from precompilation process.

    Fix #2: the precompiled header should be manually included in the trace-out.cpp file.


Printf debugging library







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