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What is this?

Demo image

This is a hobby, tiny 3D engine targetting WASM and the browser, capable of doing N-body physics simulations.

The main goal is to be able to quickly visualize and move around solar systems in the correct scale, and simulate their motion and lighting in a natural way. Also this was a way for me to practice Rust, Entity-Component systems and targetting the WebAssembly ecosystem.

I tried to stick to trusted source data and approximations for body physical parameters, so most of this data comes from NASA's HORIZONS system and JPL's Small-Body Database Search Engine, and when required evolved to the J2000 epoch using the mean orbital elements. It uses a bunch of Python scripts (see /scripts) to download/process all of this data and combine it into a set of large .json files (/public/database), which are read by the app. The source data downloaded from NASA is not on this repo, but the final database files are.

I have many cool plans for this like visualizing asteroids/comets in the solar system, artificial satellites around the Earth and doing physically-correct relativistic motion effects. Progress doesn't go as fast as I would like though, as this is just one of many side projects.

Sources and references



Check it out on your browser by clicking here!

It's still a work-in-progress though, and it may stutter a little bit while it downloads all the high-resolution textures.


Run this:

git clone
cd system-viewer
npm install
npm run dev

It should open the browser right away. If not you can open http://localhost:9000/ manually.

Within the app, make sure you go to Settings and Allow Local Storage if you wish: That will allow it to store app state on your browser, as well as the last opened scene.

See the /schemas folder for schemas describing the format for the database and scene description files. New scenes can be added to the /public/scenes folder and hot-reloaded, but will need to also be listed on the /public/scenes/auto_load_manifest.txt file.


Run this:

git clone
cd system-viewer
npm install
npm run build

The packaged build is fully contained within /dist. To deploy the build locally for a sanity check, run this from /dist:

python -m http.server 8000

Then open http://localhost:8000/

Source data

This part is not meant to be done by users/dev, but if you have the source data on your drive, run /scripts/ There are a few hard-coded paths within the files pointing to where that data is, and those would need to be manually edited. Some of the source data can be downloaded with the script.


  • WebGL2 (GLSL 300);
  • Egui for immediate-mode UI;
  • wasm-pack and wasm-bindgen for Rust to WASM;
  • Full, custom entity-component-system for Data Oriented Design;
  • Semi-implicit Euler integration for N-body (may be switched to RK4 eventually).


  • UV(0, 0) is on top left
  • Right-handed, Z-up
  • NDC space: Left-handed, X right, Y up, Z into the screen, (-1, -1, -1) on bottom left close, (1, 1, 1) on top right far


Hobby, small 3D ECS engine targetting WASM and the browser, capable of doing N-body astrophysics simulations.







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