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A collection of scripts to deploy multiple nextclouds on the same host. Build for


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Nextcloud Install Scripts

Heads up: This is a lot of rambling because I suck at writing README's.. If you can do it better, feel free to create a PR


git clone /scripts
bash /scripts/install/


These files allow you to install multiple nextclouds on the same host without docker and stuff.

# Author: Thies Mueller ( #
# License: GNU AGPL v3.0                          #
# USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!                           #
# Originally developed for            #

If you use this software commercially please link to this repository and/or / me

This software is NOT for Nazis, (Alt-)Rights, TERFs, the military, weapons & defense manufactures, and stuff like that.

If you go to and are offended THIS TOOL IS NOT FOR YOU!


I wanted to easily create multiple nextcloud instances for customers of

All the other stuff is based on multiple docker containers and because I thought it'll be a waste of ressources I decided to build it as bash scripts directly running on a webserver.

A feew weeks ago someone asked me how he could do something similar, so I decided to publish this hunk of junk.

It's a pile of bash scripts, so don't expect anything fancy.

How to use


  • Host running some Linux OS of your choice (Tested with Ubuntu 22.04)
  • Public IPv4 and/or Public IPv6 (If you wan't to use the Let's Encrypt certs)
  • Internet Connection

Software Needed

  • wget
  • bash (NO! NOT SH! NOT ZSH! NOT FISH! BASH! (maybe it'll work with other stuff but don't cry about it if something breaks...))
  • unzip
  • sed
  • nginx
  • certbot
  • python3-certbot-nginx
  • mariadb-server
  • libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra
  • php8.1
  • php8.1-cli
  • php8.1-fpm
  • php8.1-zip
  • php8.1-mysql
  • php8.1-opcache
  • php8.1-mbstring
  • php8.1-xml
  • php8.1-gd
  • php8.1-curl
  • php8.1-intl
  • php8.1-imagick

This scrips expect some stuff. Alter them as needed if your setup differs from mine.


The installation is split in multiple directories.

This is first and foremost to have the possibility to split the stuff onto multiple volumes.

The below mentioned directories are the default.

i.e. /webroot on a high i/o volume for smooth usage of the webapps and stuff but /data on a slower volume cause high i/o volumes are still not that cheap or /secrets in a specially encrypted volume that needs to be mounted before the script is run

  • /webroot This is the directory where the nextcloud installation lands
  • /data This is the directory where the nextcloud userdata lands
  • /scripts This is the directory where the scripts expect to sit and wait for you
  • /secrets This is the directory where the credentials will be dropped as a plaintext file for you to read, copy over to a password manager and afterwards DELETE
  • /var/log/nextcloud This is the log directory

Getting started

Here I'll expect you already have git installed on your system. If not do that now.

If you don't want to do the mounting stuff yourself you can just run the installer

I'm no fan of curl https://<something> | bash as root so here we go. Here is what most of these files are:

git clone /scripts
bash /scripts/install/

The will fail if you don't have a Debian based OS and most likely will fail if your system doesn't know how to get php8.1!

You can also look at the file and do the steps yourself if you don't trust me. (Good for you. You don't know me and I'm just a stranger from the interwebz...) I've tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Also the install won't generate a wildcard certificate for you cause I can't be bothered to write a script that asks you like 1000 questions just to find out that whatever DNS provider you're using has no API for certbot or something like that. If you want to use that get a wildcard before.

Worst case do it manually with (and replace domain & email ;) )

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --email --server --agree-tos -d -d *

How to create a new Nextcloud Instance with the script

  • ncmgmt
    • You should see something like Create subdomain (s) , own Domain (o) or delete Domain (d)?:
  • Select s or o
  • Enter the subdomain part (s) or the fqdn (o)
  • Enter the customer ID (this needs to be a unique string only containing lowercase letters and numbers. Everything else will break stuff later! I'LL EXPRESS THE UNIQUE PART AGAIN CAUSE OTHERWISE YOU'LL LOOSE DATABASES!)
  • The auto installer will download the from nextcloud will unzip it into the right directory and set some stuff via occ (the nextcloud command line tool)
  • The auto install will present you with the contents of /secrets/$fqdn use them to test and PLEASE delete it after you put the credentials in a safer place ( i.e. password manager )

How to delete a Nextcloud Instance

  • ncmgmt
  • Select d
  • Enter the domain you want to delete
  • Confirm with y that the thing you typed is actually the instance you want to delete
  • Decide if you want to delete everything from the /data/$fqdn & /webroot/$fqdn folder with y/n
  • Decide if you want to delete all logs for the instance with y/n
  • Decide if you want to delete the DB and the user with y/n If you don't delete the DB & User you can't reuse the customer ID used for this instance as this will lead to corrupted nextcloud instances!
  • If you've decided to delete the DB you'll be asked to input the customer ID. This is to double check with you if that's the right DB that'll be deleted.
  • Done. The Nextcloud is now gone.


A collection of scripts to deploy multiple nextclouds on the same host. Build for






