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Sequence WaaS React Native Demo

This repo contains a sample Embedded Wallet implementation that runs on iOS and Android with Google Auth. Implementation is based on Expo and React Native.


Note: Make sure you have completed the React Native - Environment Setup instructions.

Run pnpm install to get all required dependencies. For iOS, make sure to cd ios and then run pod install You will need both Xcode and Android Studio installed and configured, as well as Cocoapods. To install Cocoapods, you can use Homebrew: brew install cocoapods


This repo already contains test configuration keys, to use your own, modify the variables at the top of the App.tsx file.

In addition to the configuration keys provided there, make sure to change the launch URIs contained in:



These launch URIs allow the user to come back to the application once authenticated successfully.

Running Apps

Step 1: Start the Metro Server

First, you will need to start Metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native.

To start Metro, run the following command from the root of your React Native project:

pnpm start

Step 2: Start your Application

Let Metro Bundler run in its own terminal. Open a new terminal from the root of your React Native project. Run the following command to start your Android or iOS app:

For Android

pnpm run android

For iOS

pnpm run ios