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A GitHub Action to analyze Terraform and IaC configurations in Security Command Center.


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This GitHub action identifies insecure configurations in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) files for Google Cloud resources. This action requires Terraform plan files in JSON format for scanning.

Use this action to detect and remediate issues in IaC files for Google Cloud before you deploy the resources.

This action lets you:

  • Scan IaC template files (such as Terraform plan files).
  • Display issues with their severity as a SARIF Report in the GitHub Workspace after a scan completes.
  • Define severity-based failure criteria for passing or failing the build.

This is not an officially supported Google product, and it is not covered by a Google Cloud support contract. To report bugs or request features in a Google Cloud product, please contact Google Cloud support.


This is a Security Command Center Premium tier offering for subscription customers only. You must activate the Security Command Center Premium tier in the Google Cloud organization to use this feature.

This offering is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Google Cloud Terms of Service.


Don’t enter any sensitive information such as passwords and other personal identifiable information in the Terraform plan files.


  • This action requires a Google Cloud service account which has the Security Posture Shift-Left Validator role or the Security Posture Admin role on the Google Cloud organization that includes the IaC resources. For more information, see Authorization.

  • This action runs using Node 20. If you are using self-hosted GitHub Actions runners, you must use a runner version that supports this version or later.


      contents: 'read'
      id-token: 'write'

      - uses: 'actions/checkout@v4'
      - id: 'auth'
        uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
          workload_identity_provider: 'projects/123456789/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/my-pool/providers/my-provider'
          service_account: ''

      - id: 'analyze-code-security-scc'
        uses: 'google-github-actions/analyze-code-security-scc@v0'
          organization_id: '123456789'
          scan_file_ref: './tf_plan.json'
          iac_type: 'terraform'
          scan_timeout: '1m'
          ignore_violations: false
          failure_criteria: 'High:1,Medium:1,Low:1,Operator:or'
          fail_silently: false

      - if: |-
          ${{ !cancelled() && steps.analyze-code-security-scc.outputs.iac_scan_result_sarif_path != '' }}
        uses: 'actions/upload-artifact@v4'
          name: 'sarif'
          path: '${{ steps.analyze-code-security-scc.outputs.iac_scan_result_sarif_path }}'


  • organization_id: (Required) Google Cloud organization ID for the organization which includes the resources that you want to modify.

  • scan_file_ref: (Required) Path to a file, relative to the local workspace, for the IaC file to scan. For example:



  • iac_type: (Required, default: terraform) IaC template type. Currently only terraform is supported.

  • scan_timeout: (Optional, default: 1m) Maximum time before the scanning stops. This is specified as a time duration value, such as "1m" or "5s". The value must be between "1m" and "10m".

  • ignore_violations: (Optional) Whether violations found in IaC file should be ignored when determining the build status. This input does not apply to violations that are related to generating SARIF reports and determining the iac_scan_result.

  • failure_criteria: (Optional, default: Critical:1, High:1, Medium:1, Low:1, Operator:OR) Ffailure criteria that determines the workflow build status. You can set a threshold for the number of critical, high, medium, and low severity issues and use an aggregator (either and or or) to evaluate the criteria.

    To determine whether a build has failed, the threshold for each severity is evaluated against the count of issues with that severity in the IaC scan results and then severity level evaluations are aggregated using AND or OR to arrive at failure_criteria value.

    If the failure_criteria evaluates to true, the workflow is marked as FAILED. Otherwise, the workflow is marked as SUCCESS.

  • fail_silently: (Optional) If set to true, the workflow will not fail in case of any internal error including invalid credentials and plugin dependency failure.

    Note: This GitHub Action will always fail in case of any input validation errors.


  • iac_scan_result: The result of the security scan. One of:

    • passed: No violations were found or the failure_criteria was not satisfied.

    • failed: The failure_criteria was satisfied.

    • error: The action ran into an execution error, generally due to a misconfiguration or invalid credentials.

  • iac_scan_result_sarif_path: Path for the SARIF report file. This file is only available when violations are found in the scan file.


Use google-github-actions/auth to authenticate the action. You can use Workload Identity Federation or Service account key JSON for authentication.

     contents: 'read'
     id-token: 'write'

   - id: 'auth'
     uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
       workload_identity_provider: 'projects/123456789/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/my-pool/providers/my-provider'
       service_account: ''

   - id: 'analyze-code-security-scc'
     uses: 'google-github-actions/analyze-code-security-scc@v0'

Supported asset types and policies

For information about supported asset types and policies, see IaC Validation - Supported assets and policies.