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Wildstar "Armory" project

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The main idea of this project is to provide a way for Wildstar players to share a link to their equipment (to post it on forums or in a guide for example).

The website is used for two things: visualize the equipments and get a short link for sharing purpose.

It is possible to get a link to your equipment in-game using the Armory addon for Wildstar. It is also possible to build your own list (more).

Developer Notes

How does it work

Wildstar in-game API exposes unique # to reference each objects, information about this objects can be found in different online databases such as Jabbithole.

Items names and pretty tooltips are generated using the Jabbithole tooltips JavaScript API which takes this items unique # as parameter.

The in-game addon gather couples of (slot_id, item_id) then generates a link to the website based on this couples.

The url shortening API is used to generate short links.

Everything is done a static way using JavaScript.




<section id="main">
  <table id="items">
      <tr><td class="slot">Chest</td><td class="item"><a href="">Chest name</a></td></tr>
      <tr><td class="slot">Weapon</td><td class="item"><a href="">Weapon name</a></td></tr>


The query string

The query string of the page is composed by key-values couples such as (slot, item_id). The slot key can either be a slot # or a slot name.

If a slot # is given the slot will be named following this table:

id Name id Name
0 Chest 8 Support System
1 Legs 9 Key
2 Head 10 Implant
3 Shoulder 11 Gadget
4 Feet 15 Energy Shield
5 Hands 16 Weapon
6 Tool 17 Bag
7 Weapon Attachment

If the slot # is not found in the table, it's keeping it's orinal value (42 will be kept as 42).

Parameters are gathered using JavaScript, the page is then built dynamically.

Items # are then converted to item names using the Jabbithole tooltips JavaScript API. This API also add a fancy tooltip widget (on mouse hover).

Here is some examples of valid links to the equipment with id #1234 (which is a weapon):

Building custom lists

Specifying slot names

You can build lists with custom slot names by specifying names for slots as key of the query string (Feature was removed)

Several items for the same slot

It is possible to give several items for the same slot by specifying the slot name/# as a key several times in the query string. In the view, a number will be add to the slot name (Weapon [1], Weapon [2], ...).

Here are some samples of lists with several items for the same slot:

Giving lists a title

The title key of the query string can be used to specify a title for a list.

Here are some examples of entitled lists:

Page template

The (slot,item) couples will be output in a table following this structure:

<section id="main">
  <table id="items">
      <tr><td class="slot">SLOT_NAME</td><td class="item"><a href="#LINK">ITEM_NAME</a></td></tr>

The table (in the section main) have the id items, slot name's td will have the class slot, item ones will have the class item.

URL shortening

The url shortening API is used to generate short links.

You can see that links does have the format but, it's mainly for security reasons: a link can point to anything, ws-armory links can only reference ws-armory pages.

This is done this way:

  • Creating an ID

The Share button is pressed and the JavaScript library generates a link based on the URL of the current page: gives that gives

  • Loading an ID

When the v.html page gets a request, the JavaScript library first look for the long version of the url: gives + XYZXY that gives

It's then extract the query string of the URL and redirect to the items page: gives ?16=12345&14=12346 that is used to get + ?16=12345&14=12346 for the redirection.

Doing such a thing avoid users to redirect on non-armory pages using an ws-armory link.

Application Backend

For the moment everything on the website is done a static way using HTML and JavaScript, there is no backend (such as J2EE, PHP, RoR, ...).

I would like to keep it working like this as much time as possible not to have to deal with web hosting and service maintenance.

Nevertheless, if think of a killer feature and you really need to base it on a backend-oriented solution, we can discuss about it, I'm open to any suggestions that will allow to improve the website.
