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indelPost is a Python library for indel processing via realignment and read-based phasing to resolve alignment ambiguities. By importing the library, users write their own scripts to solve alignment-sensitive problems such as:

  • compare/integrate indels that are differently called by multiple variant callers (e.g., complex indels).
  • compare indel alignments in multiple mappings (e.g., match DNA indels to RNA-Seq for expression check).
  • construct a complex indel from a simple indel by read-based phasing.
  • extract reads supporting the target indel from BAM file.
  • pull variant records matching the target indel from VCF file.
  • count reads supporting indels by realignment.

Visit documentation for detail.

To install (require Linux with Python>=3.6 pre-installed):

pip install indelpost

or from source

git clone
cd indelPost 
python install


If you get something like:

... may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 72 from PyObject


AttributeError: module 'pysam.libcalignmentfile' has no attribute 'IteratorColumnAll'


pip uninstall cython pysam indelpost
pip install cython
pip install pysam
pip install indelpost --no-binary indelpost --no-build-isolation


Hagiwara K et al. (2022) indelPost: harmonizing ambiguities in simple and complex indel alignments. Bioinformatics


  • kohei.hagiwara[AT]