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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 19, 2024. It is now read-only.

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misc: needs more info
misc: needs more info
This issue needs more information.
os: indiscriminate
os: indiscriminate
Applies regardless of the user's operating system.
os: linux
os: linux
Applies to Linux operating systems.
os: mac
os: mac
Applies to Mac OS operating systems.
os: windows
os: windows
Applies to Windows operating systems.
project: codechicken.diffpatch
project: codechicken.diffpatch
project: holocure.api
project: holocure.api
project: holocure.modloader.api.tests
project: holocure.modloader.api.tests
project: holocure.modloader.api
project: holocure.modloader.api
project: holocure.modloader.logging
project: holocure.modloader.logging
project: holocure.modloader.updater
project: holocure.modloader.updater
project: holocure.modloader
project: holocure.modloader
project: undertalemodlib
project: undertalemodlib
severity: critical
severity: critical
A ticket of critical priority.
severity: non-critical
severity: non-critical
A ticket of non-critical priority.
severity: undecided
severity: undecided
This ticket's priority has not yet been decided.
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
A duplicate of another ticket.
status: fixed/merged
status: fixed/merged
The meaning depends on the ticket type. Indicates an intended resolution.
status: unresolved
status: unresolved
This ticket has not yet been resolved.
status: won't fix/merge
status: won't fix/merge
There are no plans to resolve this ticket.
type: bug report
type: bug report
This ticket reports an an issue with the software.
type: feature proposal
type: feature proposal
This ticket proposes a new feature.
type: other
type: other
This ticket has an unspecified purpose.
type: pull request
type: pull request