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Typing SVG Typing SVG

Typing SVG Typing SVG

📃Description: Full Stack Developer from Sweden

💻Job: Software Developer at Cygni, part of Accenture

🕹Hobbies: Contributing to OSS and helping others, currently engaged with the Tauri project as a Working Group member

Fun fact: Loves books but seldom reads them

Typing SVG Typing SVG

Name Description Badges
create-simon CLI for bootstrapping new projects.

Deploy: create-simon

Typing SVG Typing SVG

<1 year 1-3 years 3+ years
Version control Gitlab Git Github
Languages Astro Svelte Rust Java Kotlin Jupyter C# C++ MDX Typescript Javascript Node.js CSS3 HTML5 Python SASS
Frontend Frameworks React Next PyQt Babylon.js Three.js Nuxt
Backend Frameworks Electron Tauri Cordova
Server Frameworks .NET Nginx GraphQL Apache Swagger Actix FastAPI Express
Test frameworks Puppeteer Cargo Mocha Jest Chai Jasmine
Databases SQLite PostgreSQL MariaDB BigQuery Redis MongoDB MySQL
Systems Mac Android Raspberry Pi Kali Linux Ubuntu WSL Windows
Infrastructure Flux Airflow Helm Ansible Terraform Docker Kubernetes
CI/CD GitLab CI GitHub Actions
Development Environments Netbeans Eclipse IDE VSCode IntelliJ
Platforms AWS Azure DigitalOcean GCP
Compilers/Build tools Cargo Vite Babel pip Anaconda npm CMake Webpack
Methodologies/Skills Agile Scrum TDD SEO

Typing SVG Typing SVG

May be a bit misrepresentative regarding what I do and how much since it's solely based on public data.

Typing SVG