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This is the GitHub repository for the Runelogs project.

  • This website is a Symfony 4 application.
  • It's currently hosted on 2 $5 DigitalOcean droplets under my personal account.


Runelogs runs on an hourly, recurring task that fetches Runemetrics data for all its users and stores it.

It keeps a single experience record per skill, per player, per day. Daily gains are calculated by subtracting two experience log from each other during runtime (but cached in Redis).

There's also a very rudimentary name change detection in place based on Adventure Log history.

Spread the Word!

Runelogs needs users to fill it's database! If you like the project you can help spread the word by telling your friends about it in-game, on Discord, Twitter or Reddit.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork and clone
  2. Create a branch for the feature you'd like to add. E.g. 'add-clan-template'
  3. Once finished, submit pull request to staging branch for consideration

Contributor Style Guide

  1. Please use four (4) spaces to indent text; do not use tabs.
  2. Wrap all text to 120 characters.
  3. Code samples should adhere to PSR-2 or higher.



Most, if not all, of the other tracker websites are closed-source and I believe we as a community can build a better product.

This leads in to the project goals, which are:

  • Open-source
  • Reliable (no downtime, even during DXP)
  • Responsive, mobile view
  • Automatic tracking (don't need to visit)
  • Detect name changes
  • No fixed ownership (transfer ownership to whoever is contributing the most at that time)

