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Quantum Game Theory

This project was initially developed at the IBM Q Qiskit Europe (2019) hackathon and has expanded since.


A tutorial Jupyter Notebook can be found here which explains what a game theory game is as well as what a quantum game theory game is and how you can study and execute these using Qiskit. It will also offer some insight as to the differences and advantages of both classical and quantum game theory.

Playable Game

If you are just interested in getting your hands on a way to play the game, there is a user-interface where you can simply select the kind of game you would like to play (and adjust desired properties) and run the quantum circuit! ** update: AWS backend is no longer up and while the UI is still there, the circuit for the game won't execute **

Quantum Game Theory

Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategies that players take in certain environments (e.g. Prisoner's Dilemma). Quantum game theory is the study of more generalized game theory models that make use of quantum computation. The project implements a framework which can be used to spin up quantum game theory models.