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stupid robot nuisance. i built this to be that though, so...

presses keys and f*cks with your mouse. occasionally talks.


currently, there are 3 versions (not including crosses of any):

  • default (basic movement and window)
  • invisibility (no console window)
  • advanced (advanced movement feature)

the advanced feature requires administrator privileges. this is why it is seperate from default. it also depends on the windows crate, so it does not support linux/macos.

the invisibility feature has no console window, so it cannot be regularly exited out of. see this notice for info on killing a hidden instance.

i will also not be publishing any invisible or advanced builds for jerry beyond v0.3.4 and v1.0.0 respectively. build them yourself with cargo build --features invisible or cargo build --features advanced.

(advanced builds may be released later, if it can work cross-platform)

little notice

i, @callmeclover, hold 0 responsibility over what this thing does, especially forks. you are on your own if he does anything bad.

other little notice

the invisible version hides the console window, so you need to kill his process in task manager if he gets out of hand.

he doesn't cloak himself, so his process name is jerry.exe.

on the topic of forks

jerry is, technically, considered malware. as the wiki page states, "[Malware] is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network," which is exactly what jerry does.

i have no intent to cause any amount of harm with this program. this is purely a passion project to learn more rust, and test my coding abilities.

when you fork this project, or a fork of this project, you take all responsibility for that fork. i, @callmeclover, hold no responsibility over the actions of forks.


jerry runs natively on windows, macos, and linux, though currently only windows supports the advanced feature.

you can make a pull request if you have an implementation of anything, or make an issue if you have a bug report or feature request.

on linux you will need libspeechd-dev, libclang1, and clang. view the repo for speechd's build instructions, but you can also check your package manager, e.g. sudo apt install libspeechd-dev libclang1 clang on a debian/ubuntu based distro.