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Invoke App Releases via DSC

This works in conjunction with: brwilkinson/PlatformRelease

  • brwilkinson/PlatformRelease [The Build tools]
  • brwilkinson/AppReleaseDSC [The Release tools - Pull Mode]

PowerShell AZCOPY + App Release DSC Class based Resource

This is a DSC Resource for performing File sync tasks with Azure File Shares

azcopy sync /?


  • PowerShell Version 5.0 +
  • Server 2012 +

This is the componentbuild.json metadata file that stores all of your build/release info You have all of your components in there you update this file when you run your build/release pipeline You do a git checkout of the file, update the value for the individual component/environment Then you check it into the git repo, then you copy it to the storage URI DSC will read this file to know which version to install via the DSC Module.

    "ComponentName": {
        "LogHeadersAPI": {
            "D": {
                "DefaultBuild": "0.1.0"
            "Q": {
                "DefaultBuild": "0.1.0"
            "T": {
                "DefaultBuild": "0.1.0"
            "U": {
                "DefaultBuild": "0.1.0"
            "P": {
                "DefaultBuild": "0.1.0"

I provided a sample with all values passed in, however I would recommend that you set some of the file names as your defaults IN the DSC Module, then you don't need to specify them for each component

    # sample configuation data

            # Blob copy with Managed Identity - Oauth2
            AppReleaseDSCAppPresent     = @(

                    ComponentName     = 'LogHeadersAPI'
                    SourcePathBlobURI = 'https://{0}'
                    DestinationPath   = 'F:\WEB\'
                    ValidateFileName  = 'CurrentBuild.txt'
                    BuildFileName     = 'F:\Build\LogHeadersAPI\ComponentBuild.json'
                    SleepTime         = '10'
Configuration AppServers
    Param (

    node $AllNodes.NodeName
        foreach ($AppComponent in $Node.AppReleaseDSCAppPresent)
            AppReleaseDSC $AppComponent.ComponentName
                ComponentName           = $AppComponent.ComponentName
                SourcePath              = ($AppComponent.SourcePathBlobURI -f $StorageAccountName)
                DestinationPath         = $AppComponent.DestinationPath
                ValidateFileName        = $AppComponent.ValidateFileName
                BuildFileName           = $AppComponent.BuildFileName
                EnvironmentName         = $environment[0]
                Ensure                  = 'Present'
                ManagedIdentityClientID = $clientIDGlobal
                LogDir                  = 'F:\azcopy_logs'
                DeploySleepWaitSeconds  = $AppComponent.SleepTime
            $dependsonAZCopyDSCDir += @("[AppReleaseDSC]$($AppComponent.ComponentName)")

Full sample available here

Invoke the resource directly to sync the files

As well as using DSC in Pull Mode, you can also invoke the release as part of your Release Pipeline directly So you get the benefit of a push or pull model, you can deploy via DSC for initial deployments, Then you perform updates via push.

$ht = @{
    ComponentName           = 'LogHeadersAPI'
    SourcePath              = ''
    DestinationPath         = 'F:\WEB'
    EnvironmentName         = 'D'
    ValidateFileName        = 'CurrentBuild.txt'
    BuildFileName           = 'F:\Build\ComponentBuild.json'
    Ensure                  = 'Present'
    ManagedIdentityClientID = '219fa169-9031-49cc-b4cb-1850bc5bf6b4'
    LogDir                  = 'F:\azcopy_logs'

Invoke-DscResource -Name AppReleaseDSC -Method Set -ModuleName AppReleaseDSC -Property $ht -Verbose


DSC Class based Resource for Releasing App Code





