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Multiplayer in Godot 4.0

I read the blog entry from the Godot website and it intrigued me. I only had some (IMHO bad) experiences in Unity using Mirror. I knew the basics but all the recompiling manual restart annoyed and frustrated me. So I thought why not go through that experience again. And I must say the Godot devs did an amazing job at simplifying the setup and process.

The Setup

Back in the day I was writing a 2D platformer and wanted to have a multiplayer experience. So I decided to take the forementioned blog entry and not copy but adapt it for 2D purposes.

  • Up to 4 players can spawn
  • The level it automatically loaded by the server
  • If the server is dedicated it should not spawn a player (not tested by the way)


Some things are not yet fully implemented in C# I guess e.g. the relay server. But Godot has a generic setter for their internals so that is totally fine.