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UniswapX Service

Unit Tests

UniswapX Service is an API to propagate signed, executable UniswapX orders. Swappers can post their signed orders which can be fetched by fillers for execution.

Getting Started

  1. Install and build the package

    yarn && yarn build
  2. To deploy the API to your AWS account run:

    cdk deploy GoudaServiceStack

    Once complete it will output the url of your api:

    GoudaServiceStack.Url = https://...
  3. (optional) To run dynamo-db integration tests, you need to have Java Runtime installed (

End-to-end Tests

  1. Deploy your API using the intructions above.

  2. Add your API url to your .env file as UNISWAP_API

  3. Run the tests with:

    yarn test:e2e

Development Cycle

To test your changes you must redeploy your service. The dev cycle is thus:

  1. Make code changes. Make sure all env variables are present in the .env file:

# Only need these if testing against custom contract deployments

# Only needed to run tests
LABS_COSIGNER=<valid evm address>  # needed for certain unit tests
  1. yarn build && cdk deploy GoudaServiceStack

  2. yarn test:e2e

  3. If failures, look at logs in Cloudwatch Insights

  4. Repeat

Order Notification Schema

Depending on the filler preferences, the notification webhook can POST orders with a specific exclusive filler address or all new orders. The following schema is what the filler execution endpoint can expect to receive.

   orderHash: string,
   createdAt: number,
   signature: string,
   offerer: string,
   orderStatus: string,
   encodedOrder: string,
   chainId: number,
   quoteId?: string,
   filler?: string,