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Releases: Raicuparta/two-forks-vr

Two Forks VR 2.1.0

Two Forks VR 1.1.1

01 Jun 06:32
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  • Get rid of your puke bucket because snap turning is back! Fixed broken snap turning on Oculus devices. Lemme know if there are other input issues with other devices, it's hard for me to test this stuff.
  • Fix errors about missing DLL. Which means LIV support now actually works.

Two Forks VR 1.1.0

10 May 12:34
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Two Forks VR 1.1.0 with LIV support

Small update to add LIV support and a workaround for a drifting bug. LIV hired me a while ago, after my Obra Dinn video got their attention. I'll be making mods that inject LIV into games, like what I already did to Gorilla Tag. So the modding skills I acquired with these VR mods can now be applied to my job, which is cool. VR conversion mods are still a hobby for me, but hopefully this means I can learn faster, since I'm using the same tech at work.

1.1.0 Changelog:

  • Add LIV support. This allows for mixed reality capture (like the video shows), and tracked 3D avatars in the game.
  • Add an option to disable moving the player body to the headset position. I added this because some people were having problems with the player position slowly drifting while standing still. I was working on an actual fix for this, but it was causing some other problems. So I just included this workaround until I find a proper fix.

I got two bug reports that I couldn't reproduce:

  • Snap turning not working.
  • Title screens ("Day 1", "Day 2", etc) being glitched into the very bottom left".
    If you encountered these bugs, please let me know, and include as much information as possible about your setup. A screenshot or description of your Two Forks VR settings would also help. Also, let me know if you're using snap turning without issues, just to see if I understand how many people it's affecting.

Two Forks VR 1.0.0

02 Apr 14:29
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This version doesn't have any huge changes (see the changelog below). With version 1.0.0, Two Forks VR is now in maintenance mode. Which means I won't be adding any new features (unless I feel like it). Any future updates will probably just be small bug fixes.

This project has been in development for long enough, and the really juicy features I wanted to add (like deeper motion control interactions) would be too much work, and I'd rather dedicate my time to other projects.

I will also be making the project open source and free for everyone in about a month.

I will still be publishing new VR mod projects exclusively for my patrons. Hopefully I will have some news about those soon.

  • Add option for controller-oriented movement direction;
  • Add setting for snap turn angle;
  • Add setting for smooth turn speed;
  • Add more detailed descriptions to the VR settings menu;
  • Make chapter titles smaller to make them easier to read;
  • Prevent rotating while selecting dialogue option;
  • Reduced the brightness of the ghost limbs that show up during animations;

Two Forks VR 0.0.16

28 Feb 20:35
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  • Added left handed mode setting. I went a bit overkill with this one. Since Henry is right handed in the game, and I wanted left handed people to be able to hold objects with their left hand, I had to swap Henry's hands, and mirror his whole body to make the animations work better. So now Henry can become left handed, holding objects with his left hand, and holding the radio with his right hand. So the radio button also swaps to the right hand. A few animations will be broken, and some held objects may end up being mirrored too. I try to revert to right-handed Henry whenever possible, to make it all look as clean as possible. This also causes Henry to start wearing his wedding ring on his right hand but oh well. From my tests, most stuff seems to work pretty well in this mode. But it's hard for me to test everything, so please do tell me if you face issues in this mode.
  • Added setting to swap movement and rotation sticks. Some left handed people like to also swap the sticks, some don't. So I have a separate option for this.
  • Rewrote the input bindings, again. This rewrite was necessary for allowing for left handed mode, but was also a chance for me to clean things up a bit and make some more comfortable bindings for everyone. If you played Two Forks VR before, you might need to restart SteamVR and maybe delete your custom bindings, because SteamVR some times gets confused with this kind of update. If you're starting a new playthrough of Firewatch, the tutorials should teach you all the VR buttons to use. If you already finished the tutorials, make sure to disable the "hide interface" option, so that you can see the button prompts. I only tested these changes on Oculus controllers, so please give me your feedback if you own different controllers.
    • Tool picker is now opened using a normal controller button instead of a stick/trackpad click.
    • Radio is now assigned to the non-dominant hand trigger.
    • Laser is now assigned to the dominant hand trigger (no longer auto-swaps hands).
    • Storing items in backpack (or eating them) is now assigned to a normal button instead of stick click.
    • Climbing and jumping is now done using a button instead of the trigger. It worked mostly fine with the trigger before, but there were some rare occasions where it would conflict with the interact button.
    • Grips aren't used for anything on most controllers, with the exception of Vive (since they don't have that
      many buttons to spare).
  • Remove most unused settings from UI. This includes image resolution, vsync, motion blur, and head bob. Some settings I still consider to be pretty broken (like light shafts and ambient occlusion), but I'm still allowing players to enable them if they wish. I just disable them by default.
  • Change the default graphics settings to something that works better in VR. This includes lowering shadow and world quality a bit, and disabling bloom, light shafts, and ambient occlusion.
  • Fixed falling through the floor on a specific cave late in the game.
  • Added pause menu button for recentering the VR camera (and removed the binding for it).
  • Fixed snap turn fade looking very broken in some devices.
  • Fixed incorrectly sized UI on first boot.
  • Improved some of the tutorial text for less ambiguity with the VR bindings.
  • Prevent base game controller settings from affecting VR input settings.

Two Forks VR 0.0.15

16 Feb 16:58
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  • Show ghost hands during some animations. Firewatch has a lot of player animations. Player animations (especially the ones affecting hands and the camera) are inherently incompatible with VR gameplay. But without rewriting huge portions of the game, I can't just disable those animations and replace them with proper VR gesture interactions. Up until now, Two Forks VR would always override Henry's hand positions with the VR hand controller positions, retaining only the animations within the hand itself (the fingers). This of course breaks a lot of animations that rely on the hands being in certain positions. It's particularly noticeable when an animation involves Henry picking up and handling large objects, you'd often see the objects floating around your VR hands as you move them. With 0.0.15 you'll now see a pair of ghost arms whenever some larger animations are playing, and these ghost arms will show the original animations. There's still an option in the VR settings menu to revert to the old ways of always using the tracked VR hands only, but that will of course bring back the broken animations.
  • Show ghost lower body while teleporting. The ghost look and the lack of that weird broken upper body makes the teleport locomotion a bit less disconcerting.
  • Show ghost lower body instead of just feet, if option is on. All of these ghost body parts use the same shader for consistency. But I'll try to improve the look in future updates, because this one is way too bright during night time.
  • Fixed reticule being visible under some conditions.
  • Fixed some broken transitions with the "static camera during animations" option. With this fix, this option becomes a lot more stable. People who suffer from motion sickness might be able to play the full game at a decent comfort level using static camera during animations, teleport locomotion, and snap turning. There are still some small transitions where the camera moves a bit after animations, and hopefully I'll be able to fix those too soon.

Two Forks VR 0.0.14

08 Feb 20:53
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  • No longer forcing minimal UI. This is a base game option that hides the reticule, tutorials, and most of the input prompts.

  • Show correct VR input prompts in most situations (for instance, in menus, while holding objects, while targeting an interactive object). I wanted to show icons, like in NomaiVR, but the icon system in this game is hard to replace. For now, the text prompts work pretty well. I might look into adding icons in the future (or give the controller models another shot).

  • Show VR-centric tutorials. This hooks into the base game's input tutorials, and teaches you the VR controls.

  • Use hand orientation for "wave receiver" (fancy compass) instead of player body orientation.

  • Allow for dragging and swiping UI with the hand laser. So setting sliders can be adjusted by dragging (instead of just clicking), and scrolling can be done by swiping, which is really nice. This is particularly useful in the notes / inventory screen.

  • Show notes text in notes screen UI (so that you aren't forced to squint and read the note objects in your hand).

  • Hide unusable tools from the tool picker.

  • Cleanup VR settings menu. Organized it with categories, and made it less blurry.

  • Made the HUD a bit smaller, to make it easier to see the prompts and text in the periphery. This might be getting a bit too small to be readable on some lower resolution devices, so I'll add a setting to configure this scale in a future update.

  • Made the pause menu background color dark to improve readability.

  • Pause button can now be used to exit the pause menu.

  • Tried to fix some interactions requiring you to move away able to use them. Most problematic example is when boarding up the watch tower windows. Couldn't find a clean solution and had to resort to a hacky fix, hopefully it doesn't affect other sections of the game.

  • Prevent menu UI (pause menu, notes screen) from drawing on top of everything else. Only in-game HUD draws on top of everything now. There are still some edge cases where it fails, but shouldn't be too big of a deal.

  • Prevent rotating while tool picker is open (this caused a lot of accidental turning).

  • Remove "quit to menu" option. This thing caused so many problems, it's easier to remove the option than to try to work around it. The only way to go back to the menu is to quit the game entirely and restart. Shouldn't be much of a problem, since there aren't that many reasons to go back to the main menu. The game still goes to the main menu after the final credits, I'll have to deal with that in a later update.

  • Removed controller models with pretty button hints. I kept running into issues with it, and even the setting to toggle the models wasn't working right, so I'm giving up for now, and relying only on text prompts for the inputs.

  • Show button for exiting the notes / inventory screen.

  • Show disposable camera UI (remaining shot count), attached to the camera itself.

  • Fixed "trigger" input prompt showing up at incorrect times (usually during dialogue);

  • Fixed map cloth not being affected by vr hand movement.

  • Fixed map texture some times becoming all fucky after loading another save.

  • Fixed player being allowed to rotate while paused.

  • Fixed slow / backwards movement while teleporting.

  • Fixed some objects not being attached to the hands at their correct positions.

  • Fixed teleport UI showing while paused;

  • Fixed tool picker being allowed before it's ready (like in main menu), which caused errors.

  • Hopefully fixed game crashing when loading a save that was created during one of the intro scenes.

  • Hopefully fixed tool picker some times becoming reversed (equipping when it should unequip and vice-versa).

Two Forks VR 0.0.13

29 Jan 21:55
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  • Detach HUD from camera. It now follows camera rotation with some thresholds, hopefully making it easier to read. Should also help with reading at those icons that would show up on the edges of the camera;
  • Fixed white ground textures / missing effects. Usually triggered by opening the notes menu during or after the intro.
  • Add option to toggle the controller models. They are now hidden by default, until I can make them less broken. They're currently broken in the intro, and when going from in-game to the main menu;
  • Make the hand laser draw on top of everything;
  • Prevent accidentally clicking menu options when the laser is swapping hands;
  • Attach loading and title screens to camera, preventing this information from showing behind your back;
  • Fixed missing fog in some scenes (usually during and after the intro, but not only there);
  • Fixed some parts of the UI being obscured by world objects, which could make it impossible to tell which dialog option was currently selected;
  • Fixed weird camera positions when starting some animations, like when getting inside the car in the intro.

Two Forks VR 0.0.12

25 Jan 23:57
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Two Forks VR 0.0.12 with comfort options and headless Henry

  • Add setting for snap turning. Configuration for the snap rotation angle will come in a future update;
  • Add setting for "teleport" locomotion. Similar to games like VR Chat: aim an arc with a controller, the camera stays put, while the player body moves towards the target. Unfortunately Henry doesn't have a head, sorry;
  • Add setting for showing the player body. Looks ugly and there's no IK, you'll clip through the body if you move your head down;
  • Add setting for keeping the camera static during big animations. Some of the animations move the camera around a lot, so if you enable this you'll just see a headless Henry doing those broken animations from the initial point. This can be unstable since the game relies on animations to move the player around a lot;
  • Move to interaction targets instantly to prevent a bug where the player would some times slide away from the interaction target;

Two Forks VR 0.0.11

20 Jan 16:41
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  • Fixed being stuck in start of day, unable to pick up the radio;
  • Fixed camera jumping around during some animations;
  • Other small camera / body fixes.