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Unity WebGL: Automatic build and Pages deployment

This repository contains a Unity WebGL project that is automatically built and deployed to Github Pages when a pull request to main is created.

Unity WebGL Automatic Build 👽✨🚀

	title Unity Build job details
	section Prepare files for deployment
        Git LFS Sample:6: Unity Build
		Stash:6: Unity Build
        Restore:6: Unity Build
		Clean Target: 6: Unity Build
        Push: 6: Unity Build
        Apply Stash: 6: Unity Build
        Relocate Files: 6: Unity Build
        Push: 6: Unity Build
    section GH Pages Deployment
        Deploy: 6: Pages

Target platforms and supported tools

Git LFS WebGL Standalone iOS Android
Not Compressed


  • Artifact: Downloadable zip with the build files.

  • Automatic deployment to Github Pages: Build content is deployed to the target branch, where Github pages should be pointing to.

title: Git workflow
   branch feature-branch
   checkout feature-branch
   checkout main
   merge feature-branch
   commit id: "Stash build and reset" type: REVERSE
   branch gh-pages
   checkout gh-pages
   commit id: "Cleaning branch" type: HIGHLIGHT
   commit id: "Deployment: Applied & relocated stash" type: HIGHLIGHT

Setup guide


  • Target repo already created.
  • Target repo contains a gitignore file.
  • Git LFS is configured.


Adding necessary files to the repo

  1. Create a .github folder
  2. Create a workflows folder inside of the recently created .github folder
  3. Download the main and the activation files and add them to the workflow folder.

Setup Pages and set source

  1. DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH: Create the branch where you want to host your deployed WebGL site.
  2. Enable pages and set the DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH as the build and deployment source.

Acquire the activation file

Execute the Acquire Activation File job included in the activation.yml file manually from the Actions tab and GameCI Documentation.

Setup repository variables

  • TARGET_PLATFORM: Unity project build target platform
  • BUILD_PATH: Were the build will be created. This folder should not be included in the .gitignore file.
  • ARTIFACT_NAME: The output zip file name.
  • DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH: The source branch for Github Pages.