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now trying to use fps-helper
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AviaAv committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent b178ba8 commit e159742
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Showing 2 changed files with 46 additions and 296 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions unit-tests/live/frames/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,9 +74,11 @@ def generate_callbacks(sensor_profiles_dict, profile_name_fps_dict):
def on_frame_received(frame):
global count_frames
log.d(f"frame {frame.profile.stream_name()} #{profile_name_fps_dict[frame.profile.stream_name()] + 1} accepted") # todo remove these
if count_frames:
profile_name = frame.profile.stream_name()
profile_name_fps_dict[profile_name] += 1
log.d(f"frame {frame.profile.stream_name()} #{profile_name_fps_dict[frame.profile.stream_name()] + 1} finished")

sensor_function_dict = {sensor_key: on_frame_received for sensor_key in sensor_profiles_dict}
return sensor_function_dict
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,3 +163,9 @@ def get_profile(sensor, stream, resolution=None, fps=None):
and (resolution is None or get_resolution(profile) == resolution)
and (fps is None or profile.fps() == fps)),
None) # return None if no profile found

def get_profiles(sensor, stream, resolution=None, fps=None):
return iter(profile for profile in sensor.profiles if profile.stream_type() == stream
and (resolution is None or get_resolution(profile) == resolution)
and (fps is None or profile.fps()))
334 changes: 38 additions & 296 deletions unit-tests/live/frames/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,288 +8,14 @@
# timeout = ((8 choose 2)+1) * (TIME_FOR_STEADY_STATE + TIME_TO_COUNT_FRAMES)
# 8 choose 2 tests to do (one for each pair), plus one for all streams on

from rspy import test, log
from rspy import test, log, tests_wrapper
from itertools import combinations
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import time
import itertools
import math
import threading
import fps_helper

# To add a new test mode (ex. all singles or triplets) only add it below and on should_test
# add it in get_time_est_string for an initial time calculation
# run perform_fps_test(sensor_profiles_array, [mode])

# global variable used to count on all the sensors simultaneously
count_frames = False

# tests parameters

# ---------- Helper Functions ---------- #
def get_resolution(profile):
return profile.as_video_stream_profile().width(), profile.as_video_stream_profile().height()

def check_fps_pair(measured_fps, expected_fps):
delta_Hz = expected_fps * 0.05 # Validation KPI is 5%
return (measured_fps <= (expected_fps + delta_Hz) and measured_fps >= (expected_fps - delta_Hz))

def get_expected_fps(sensor_profiles_dict):
Returns a dictionary between each profile and its expected fps
expected_fps_dict = {}
for sensor, profiles in sensor_profiles_dict.items():
for profile in profiles:
expected_fps_dict[profile.stream_name()] = profile.fps()
return expected_fps_dict

def should_test(mode, permutation):
Returns true if the given permutation should be tested:
If the mode is ALL_PERMUTATIONS returns true (every permutation should be tested)
If the mode is ALL_SENSORS return true only if all streams are to be tested
If the mode is ALL_PAIRS return true only if there are exactly two streams to be tested
return ((mode == ALL_PERMUTATIONS) or
(mode == ALL_STREAMS and all(v == 1 for v in permutation)) or
(mode == ALL_PAIRS and permutation.count(1) == 2))

def get_dict_for_permutation(sensor_profiles_arr, permutation):
Given an array of pairs (sensor, profile) and a permutation of the same length,
return a sensor-profiles dictionary containing the relevant profiles
- profile will be added only if there's 1 in the corresponding element in the permutation
partial_dict = {}
for i, j in enumerate(permutation):
if j == 1:
sensor = sensor_profiles_arr[i][0]
partial_dict[sensor] = partial_dict.get(sensor, []) + [sensor_profiles_arr[i][1]]
return partial_dict

# To reduce required python version, we implement choose instead of using math.comb
def choose(n, k):
return math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(k) * math.factorial(n - k))

def get_time_est_string(num_profiles, modes):
s = "Estimated time for test:"
details_str = ""
total_time = 0
for mode in modes:
test_time = 0
test_time = math.factorial(num_profiles) * time_per_test
details_str += f"{math.factorial(num_profiles)} tests for all permutations"
elif mode == ALL_PAIRS:
# test_time = math.comb(num_profiles, 2) * time_per_test
test_time = choose(num_profiles, 2) * time_per_test
details_str += f"{choose(num_profiles,2)} tests for all pairs"
elif mode == ALL_STREAMS:
test_time = time_per_test
details_str += f"1 test for all streams on"

details_str += " + "
total_time += test_time

# Remove the last " + " for aesthetics
details_str = details_str[:-3]
details_str = f"({details_str})"
details_str += f" * {time_per_test} secs per test"
s = f"{s} {total_time} secs ({details_str})"
return s

def get_tested_profiles_string(sensor_profiles_dict):
s = ""
for sensor in sensor_profiles_dict:
for profile in sensor_profiles_dict[sensor]:
s += + " / " + profile.stream_name() + " + "

# Remove the last " + " for aesthetics
s = s[:-3]
return s

# ---------- Core Test Functions ---------- #
def check_fps_dict(measured_fps, expected_fps):
all_fps_ok = True
for profile_name in expected_fps:
res = check_fps_pair(measured_fps[profile_name], expected_fps[profile_name])
if not res:
all_fps_ok = False
log.d(f"Expected {expected_fps[profile_name]} fps, received {measured_fps[profile_name]} fps in profile"
f" {profile_name}"
f" { '(Pass)' if res else '(Fail)' }")
return all_fps_ok

def generate_functions(sensor_profiles_dict, profile_name_fps_dict, profile_name_lock_dict):
Creates callable functions for each sensor to be triggered when a new frame arrives
Used to count frames received for measuring fps
sensor_function_dict = {}
for sensor_key in sensor_profiles_dict:
def on_frame_received(frame): # variables declared on generate_functions should not be used here
global count_frames
if count_frames:
profile_name = frame.profile.stream_name()
with profile_name_lock_dict[profile_name]: # lock and count frame
profile_name_fps_dict[profile_name] += 1

sensor_function_dict[sensor_key] = on_frame_received
return sensor_function_dict

def measure_fps(sensor_profiles_dict):
Given a dictionary of sensors and profiles to test, activate all streams on the given profiles
and measure fps
Return a dictionary of profiles and the fps measured for them

global count_frames
count_frames = False

# initialize fps and locks dict
profile_name_fps_dict = {}
profile_name_lock_dict = {}
for sensor, profiles in sensor_profiles_dict.items():
for profile in profiles:
profile_name_fps_dict[profile.stream_name()] = 0
profile_name_lock_dict[profile.stream_name()] = threading.Lock()

# generate sensor-callable dictionary
funcs_dict = generate_functions(sensor_profiles_dict, profile_name_fps_dict, profile_name_lock_dict)

for sensor, profiles in sensor_profiles_dict.items():

# the core of the test - frames are counted during sleep when count_frames is on
count_frames = True # Start counting frames
count_frames = False # Stop counting

for sensor, profiles in sensor_profiles_dict.items():
for profile in profiles:
profile_name_fps_dict[profile.stream_name()] /= TIME_TO_COUNT_FRAMES


return profile_name_fps_dict

def get_test_details_str(sensor_profile_dict):
s = ""
for sensor, profiles in sensor_profile_dict.items():
for profile in profiles:
s += (f"Expected fps for profile {profile.stream_name()} on sensor "
f"{} is {profile.fps()} "
f"on {get_resolution(profile)}\n")

s = s.replace("on (0, 0)", "") # remove no resolution for Motion Module profiles
return s

def perform_fps_test(sensor_profiles_arr, modes):

log.d(get_time_est_string(len(sensor_profiles_arr), modes))

for mode in modes:
# Generate a list of all possible combinations of 1s and 0s (permutations) in the length of the array
perms = list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(sensor_profiles_arr)))

# Go over every possible permutation and check if we should test it
# Each index in a permutation represents a profile, which will be tested only if the value in that index is 1
for perm in perms:
# log.d(perm)
if all(v == 0 for v in perm):
if should_test(mode, perm):
partial_dict = get_dict_for_permutation(sensor_profiles_arr, perm)
test.start("Testing", get_tested_profiles_string(partial_dict))
expected_fps = get_expected_fps(partial_dict)
fps_dict = measure_fps(partial_dict)
test.check(check_fps_dict(fps_dict, expected_fps))

# ---------- Test Preparation Functions ---------- #
def get_profiles_by_resolution(sensor, resolution, fps=None):
# resolution is a required parameter because on a sensor all active profiles must have the same resolution
profiles = []
stream_types_added = []
for p in sensor.get_stream_profiles():
if get_resolution(p) == resolution:
if fps is None or p.fps() == fps:
# to avoid having a long run time, we don't choose the same stream more than once
if p.stream_type() not in stream_types_added:
if p.stream_type() ==
if p.stream_index() != 1:
continue # on some devices, using Infrared 1 seems to have better fps than IR/IR2
return profiles

def get_mutual_resolution(sensor):
stream_resolutions_dict = {} # a map between a stream type and all of its possible resolutions
possible_combinations = []
for profile in sensor.get_stream_profiles():
stream_type = profile.stream_type()
resolution = get_resolution(profile)
fps = profile.fps()

# d[key] = d.get(key, []) + [value] -> adds to the dictionary or appends if it exists
stream_resolutions_dict[stream_type] = stream_resolutions_dict.get(stream_type, []) + [resolution]

if (resolution, fps) not in possible_combinations:
possible_combinations.append((resolution, fps))

possible_combinations.sort(reverse=True) # sort by resolution first, then by fps, so the best res and fps are first

# first, try to find a resolution and fps that all profiles have
for option in possible_combinations:
profiles = get_profiles_by_resolution(sensor, option[0], option[1])
if len(profiles) == len(stream_resolutions_dict):
return profiles

# if none found, try to find a resolution that all profiles have, on any fps
for option in possible_combinations:
profiles = get_profiles_by_resolution(sensor, option[0], None)
if len(profiles) == len(stream_resolutions_dict):
return profiles
# if reached here, then we couldn't find a resolution that all profiles have, so we can't test them together :(
log.f("Can't run test, sensor",, "doesn't have a resolution for all profiles")
return []
VGA_RESOLUTION = (640, 360)
HD_RESOLUTION = (1280, 720)

def get_sensors_and_profiles(device):
Expand All @@ -298,33 +24,49 @@ def get_sensors_and_profiles(device):
sensor_profiles_arr = []
for sensor in device.query_sensors():
if sensor.is_depth_sensor() and sensor.supports(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure):
sensor.set_option(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure, 1)
if sensor.is_color_sensor():
profile = None
if sensor.is_depth_sensor():
if sensor.supports(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure):
sensor.set_option(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure, 1)
depth_resolutions = []
for p in sensor.get_stream_profiles():
res = fps_helper.get_resolution(p)
if res not in depth_resolutions:
for res in depth_resolutions:
depth = fps_helper.get_profile(sensor,, res)
irs = fps_helper.get_profiles(sensor,, res)
ir = next(irs)
while ir is not None and ir.stream_index() != 1:
ir = next(irs)
if ir and depth:
print(ir, depth)
sensor_profiles_arr.append((sensor, depth))
sensor_profiles_arr.append((sensor, ir))
elif sensor.is_color_sensor():
if sensor.supports(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure):
sensor.set_option(rs.option.enable_auto_exposure, 1)
if sensor.supports(rs.option.auto_exposure_priority):
sensor.set_option(rs.option.auto_exposure_priority, 0) # AE priority should be 0 for constant FPS
profile = fps_helper.get_profile(sensor,
elif sensor.is_motion_sensor():
sensor_profiles_arr.append((sensor, fps_helper.get_profile(sensor,
sensor_profiles_arr.append((sensor, fps_helper.get_profile(sensor,

profiles = get_mutual_resolution(sensor)
for profile in profiles:
if profile is not None:
sensor_profiles_arr.append((sensor, profile))

return sensor_profiles_arr


dev = test.find_first_device_or_exit()
sensor_profiles_array = get_sensors_and_profiles(dev)

test_modes = [ALL_PERMUTATIONS]
test_modes = [ALL_PAIRS, ALL_STREAMS]

perform_fps_test(sensor_profiles_array, test_modes)

sensor_profiles_array = get_sensors_and_profiles(dev)
# print([profile for _, profile in sensor_profiles_array])
all_pairs = [[a[1].stream_name(), b[1].stream_name()] for a, b in combinations(sensor_profiles_array, 2)]
all_streams = [a[1].stream_name() for a, b in combinations(sensor_profiles_array, 2)]
permutations_to_run = all_pairs + all_streams
fps_helper.perform_fps_test(sensor_profiles_array, permutations_to_run)


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