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Project goals

This project aims to develop a robust Task Management System with the following key objectives:

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Implement secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access and manage tasks.
  • Efficient Task Management: Enable users to create, update, and manage tasks effectively. This includes assigning tasks to multiple users, setting priorities, and deadlines.
  • API-First Approach: Develop a RESTful API to handle all task management operations. This API will be used by both the web interface and potentially other clients in the future.

How to run this project


  • .NET SDK: Ensure you have the .NET SDK installed.

  • SQL Server: Ensure you have SQL Server installed and running on your machine. You can use SQL Server Express, which is free.

  • Visual Studio.

Running the Project from the Console

  • Open the MyDbContext.cs file and ensure the _windowsConnectionString points to your SQL Server instance.
  • Apply the database migrations to create the necessary database schema:
dotnet ef database update
  • Start the projects by running:
dotnet run --project WebAPI
dotnet run --project BlazorApp1

Running the Project from Visual Studio

  • Open Visual Studio and navigate to File -> Open -> Project/Solution, then select the solution file (.sln) in the root directory of the cloned repository.
  • Open the MyDbContext.cs file and ensure the _windowsConnectionString points to your SQL Server instance.
  • Open the Package Manager Console (found under Tools -> NuGet Package Manager) and run:
  • Run the Project: Set WebAPI and BlazorApp1 as the startup projects by enabling them in the solution properties menu. Then press F5 or click on the Start button to run the projects.


Task Management System built with .NET







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