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A web-based task management application designed to help individuals and teams organize their work efficiently.


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Task Management System

About the project

The Task Manager Application is a simple yet powerful task management system built with Laravel. It provides users with the ability to manage tasks efficiently, allowing them to create, view, edit, and delete tasks seamlessly.

Directory directory structure

├── app/ - contains the core application code, including models, controllers, middleware, and service providers
├── bootstrap/ - holds files responsible for bootstrapping the Laravel framework, including the application initialization process
├── migrations/ - stores database migration files, which define the structure of database tables and allow for version control of the database schema
├── config/ - contains configuration files for various aspects of the application, such as database connections, caching, and services
├── database/ - contains database-related files such as seeders and factories, used for populating the database with test data
├── tests/ - holds test files for automated testing, including PHPUnit tests and feature tests for different parts of the application
├── lang/ - contains language files for internationalization and localization of the application
├── public/ - contains the publicly accessible files for the application, including the entry point (index.php) and assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files
├── resources/ - stores non-PHP resources such as views, JavaScript, CSS, and language files
├── routes/ - contains route definition files, which define the endpoints for handling HTTP requests and directing them to controllers or closures
├── storage/ - stores files generated by the framework, such as logs, cached files, session data, and uploaded files
├── tests/ - holds test files for automated testing, including PHPUnit tests and feature tests for different parts of the application.
├── vendor/ - contains Composer dependencies, including all third-party libraries and packages required by the application
├── .editorconfig - configuration file defining coding styles and formatting rules for different editors and IDEs
├── .env - environment configuration file containing environment-specific settings such as database credentials and application configuration
├── .env.example - example environment configuration file, serving as a template for creating the actual .env file
├── .gitattributes - configuration file for Git, specifying how certain files should be treated in version control
├── artisan - command-line interface for interacting with the Laravel application, allowing for tasks such as running migrations, generating code, and clearing caches
├── composer.json -  configuration file for Composer, defining the project's dependencies and other metadata
├── composer.lock - contains information about the exact versions of dependencies installed, ensuring consistent installations across different environments
├── COPYRIGHT - containing copyright information or license details for the project
├── LICENSE - contains project license
├── package.json - configuration file for npm, defining the project's JavaScript dependencies and scripts
├── phpunit.xml - configuration file for PHPUnit, specifying options and settings for running unit tests
├── - project descriptions and instructions
└── vite.config.js - configuration file for Vite.js, a build tool used for compiling and bundling JavaScript assets


  • Task Listing: View a list of tasks with their titles and descriptions.
  • Add New Task: Create a new task by providing a title and description.
  • Edit Task: Update the title and description of an existing task.
  • Delete Task: Remove a task from the system.
  • Markdown Documentation: Comprehensive documentation provided in Markdown format, allowing for easy understanding and customization.

Getting started


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Extract the repository:
tar -xf
  1. Navigate into root directory:
cd task-management-system

Run the application

  1. Move the extracted task-management-system folder into htdocs folder in the C:/xampp/htdocs folder (Windows).

  2. Start the server

php artisan serve
  1. Go to and start exploring the application.

Read the docs

  1. Getting started with

  2. Handle tasks with

Run tests:

php artisan test --testsuite=Unit
php artisan test --testsuite=Feature

Resources used to create this project


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


See the COPYRIGHT file for copyright and licensing details.