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Node to Python

Node To Python Logo

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub


A Blender add-on to create scripts and add-ons! This add-on will take your Geometry Nodes, Materials, and Compositing nodes and convert them into legible Python code.

Node To Python automatically handles node layout, default values, subgroups, naming, colors, and more!

Blender's node-based editors are powerful, yet accessible tools, and I wanted to make scripting them easier for add-on creators. Combining Python with node based setups allows you to do things that would otherwise be tedious or impossible, such as

  • for loops
  • creating different node trees for different versions or settings
  • interfacing with other parts of the software or properties of an object

Supported Versions

NodeToPython v3.1 is supported for Blender 3.0 - 4.1 on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


  1. Download the file from the latest release
    • If you download other options, you'll need to rename the zip and the first folder to "NodeToPython" so Blender can properly import the add-on
  2. In Blender, navigate to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
  3. Click Install, and find where you downloaded the zip file. Then hit the Install Add-on button, and you're done!


Once you've installed the add-on, you'll see a new tab in any Node Editor's sidebar. You can open this with keyboard shortcut N when focused in the Node Editor.

In the tab, there's panels to create add-ons for Geometry Nodes and Materials, each with a drop-down menu.

Add-on Location

Select the node group you want code for, and you'll be prompted with a Script or Add-on option.

  • Script mode creates a function that generates the node tree and copies it to your Blender clipboard.
    • Doesn't include import bpy line
    • To keep NodeToPython cross-platform and independent of third-party libraries, to get it into your system clipboard you need to paste into the Blender text editor and recopy it currently
  • Add-on mode generates a zip file for you in the save directory specified in the NodeToPython menu. From here, you can install it like a regular add-on. The generated add-on comes complete with operator registration and creating a modifier/material for the node tree to be used in.
    • The current default operator install location is in the Object menu

Bug Reports and Suggestions

When submitting an issue, please include

  • Your version of Blender
  • Your operating system
  • Steps to reproduce the issue or a description of what you were trying to accomplish. Providing a test blend file is especially helpful

Got suggestions? Please create an issue! I'm happy to hear what features people want