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Android Architecture Component with Room database,View Model and Live Data

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Android Architecture Component with Room database,View Model and Live Data

This sample showcases the following Architecture Components:



This sample contains two screens: a list of delivery and a delivery detail view.

Presentation layer

The presentation layer consists of the following components:

  • A main activity that handles 2 Fragments.
  • A fragment to display the list of delivery.
  • A fragment to display a delivery detail review with google map.

The app uses a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture for the presentation layer. Each of the fragments corresponds to a MVVM View. The View and ViewModel communicate using LiveData and the following design principles:

  • ViewModel objects don't have references to activities, fragments, or Android views. That would cause leaks on configuration changes, such as a screen rotation, because the system retains a ViewModel across the entire lifecycle of the corresponding view.
  • ViewModel objects expose data using LiveData objects. LiveData allows you to observe changes to data across multiple components of your app without creating explicit and rigid dependency paths between them.
  • Views, including the fragments used in this sample, subscribe to corresponding LiveData objects. Because LiveData is lifecycle-aware, it doesn’t push changes to the underlying data if the observer is not in an active state, and this helps to avoid many common bugs. This is an example of a subscription:
viewModel.getDeliveryList().observe(this, new Observer<List<DeliveryDataModel>>()
            public void onChanged(@Nullable List<DeliveryDataModel> deliveryData)
                // Update the UI.

                deliveryArrayList = (ArrayList<DeliveryDataModel>) deliveryData;


Data layer

Room populates the database asynchronously when it's created, via the RoomDatabase#Callback. To simulate low-performance, an artificial delay is added. To let other components know when the data has finished populating, the AppDatabase exposes a LiveData object..

To access the data and execute queries, you use a Data Access Object (DAO). For example, a product is loaded with the following query:

    * Fetch all delivery item from the database.

   @Query("SELECT * FROM DeliveryDataModel")
   LiveData<List<DeliveryDataModel>> fetchAllData();
    * Counts the number of items in the table.
    * @return The number of delivery list.

   @Query("SELECT * FROM DeliveryDataModel where slNo = :slNo")
   Cursor getDeliveryById(int slNo);

Queries that return a LiveData object can be observed, so when a change in one of the affected tables is detected, LiveData delivers a notification of that change to the registered observers.