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DiPhra: Extraction and Interpretation of Phrases

python: 2.7 license status: early development

DiPhra is a library for modeling the semantics of phrases, written in Python, with critical parts optimized with Cython. Use DiPhra if you want to turn your >1B corpora into models capable of resolving idiomatic expression by modeling phrase synonymy.

DiPhra combines two simple and powerful concepts:

  • Shallow syntactic parsing for phrase extraction (usually just a simple set of patterns over POS tag sequences)
  • Distributional semantics for phrase interpretation (co-occurrence statistics -- phrases occurring in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings)

Extraction is independent of interpretation, so it is possible to combine DiPhra with existing phrase extractors and named entity recognizers.



It is also recommended to install a fast BLAS library (such as ATLAS or OpenBLAS) before installing NumPy — speeds up performance by as much as an order of magnitude.

The easiest way to install DiPhra is using pip:

pip install

Data Structure: Phrase Occurrences (POcs)

DiPhra goes beyond mere merging tokens. You can work with phrases that occur nested, overlapping or discontinuous within corpora.

Let's say we have a single-sentence corpus:

The police kept close tabs on him during the holidays .

The corresponding POcs could look like:

Phrase Sentence ID In-Sentence Positions
the 0 0
police 0 1
keep 0 2
keep close tabs 0 2, 3, 4
keep tabs 0 2, 4
keep tabs on 0 2, 4, 5
close 0 3
close tabs 0 3, 4
tabs 0 4
on 0 5
he 0 6
during 0 7
during holidays 0 7, 9
the 0 8
holidays 0 9
. 0 10

The third column (in-sentence positions) must be sorted, so that a consistent sorting/merging of POcs datasets is possible.

With such format, you can easily combine multiple phrase extractors, named entity recognizers or whatever. In the end, all you need is a large sorted POcs file.

Vertical POcs

A simple format to store pocs to disk is a tab-separated vertical (with variable number of columns).

keep               0    2
keep close tabs    0    2    3    4
keep tabs          0    2    4
keep tabs on       0    2    4    5

The vertical format is human-readable and makes it easy to solve some basic problems with standard unix tools.

If we know that the max. number of positions covered by a single poc is 3, then the following command will sort the file:

sort pocs.vert -n -t$'\t' -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5

When we combine multiple phrase extractors, we want to merge the sorted files:

sort pocs1.vert pocs2.vert -m -n -t$'\t' -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5

For machine learning purposes, we may want to randomize sentences:

sort pocs.vert -R -s -k2,2 -t$'\t'

In python, you can use diphra.pocs.VerticalPOcs class to read and write vertical pocs.


Parsing pocs from a plain text file may be quite slow. It would become a main bottleneck for machine learning algorithms passing the whole dataset several times. A workaround is to compile them into HDF5 file.

from diphra.pocs import VerticalPOcs, HDF5POcs

pocs = HDF5POcs("my_pocs.hdf5")

POcs2Vec: Word2Vec Meets Phrase Occurrences

POcs2Vec is a modified implementation of Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling, one of the method from the well-known Word2Vec system for efficient estimation of distributed representations of words and phrases.

POcs2Vec consumes pocs (phrase occurrences), which can be nested, overlapping and discontinuous.

A typical pipeline looks like:

  1. Create a large pocs dataset.
    Employ any phrase extraction tools you like, identify a diverse set of phrases.
  2. Bound the vocabulary.
    There is no min_count parameter in POcs2Vec as the vocabulary size for multi-word expressions may easily go to hundreds of millions. It is up to you to bound it to some meaningful value, e.g. keep only 1 million most frequent items.
  3. Sort & Merge.
    If you use multiple phrase extractors, you probably have several pocs files, sort them and merge them together. The easiest solution is VerticalPocs.pocs_sort(...) function, which provides an external sort and is happy with gzipped files.
  4. HDF5-ify.
    To speed up the training, compile your pocs into HDF5.
  5. Now train a POcs2Vec model.

Phrase Extraction with Manatee

DiPhra includes a light wrapper over Manatee corpus manager. Use it to extract phrases by the means of explicit rules (grammar patterns). See the tutorial.

More tutorials will come soon.


While POcs2Vec fed with HDF5POcs runs as fast as (maybe even faster than) original Word2Vec, the phrase extraction is very slow and there are lots of things to improve.

  • Treating words as phrases with length 1 is a desired conceptual minimalism, but "extracting" words with the same procedure is super slow and completely unnecessary. Current (hacky) solution is using ManateeExtractor.extract_words(...), which is orders of magnitude faster than extracting words with ManateeExtractor.extract_phrases(...).

  • ManateeExtractor does not leverage the order of results returned by Manatee. In the end, POcs are smashed together and have to be sorted.

  • Certain parts could be cythonized and parallelized.