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Menu Management

🧰:Languages and Tools:

NodeJS ExpressJS MongoDB Docker Badge

How to run:

  • Clone this repository or fork it.
    • To clone this repository type git clone on your command line
    • To fork this repository, click fork button of this repository then type git clone<your username>/Menu-Management.git
  • Inside your Menu-Management folder, create a new file named .env which stores informations about server side such as MONGO_URI
    • or
  • Rename .envexample to .env after setting.
  • Store your database URI inside MONGO_URI variable
  • Delete MONGO_URI from .env, if running using Docker
  • example:
    MONGO_URI = mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<collection_name>.<providedbymongodb> (MongoDB Atlas)
    MONGO_URI = mongodb:// (MongoDB Compass)
    PORT = 3000

#Method 1

  • Install all dependencies

    • Server side: on the Menu-Management directory type npm install
  • Run it on node js:

    • Server side: on the Menu-Management directory type npm start

#Method 2

  • Run using docker docker-compose up
  • It'll run on PORT 6868 on your Local-System

Directory Structure

├───📁 api/
│   ├───📁 config/
│   │   └───📄 connectDB.js
│   ├───📁 controllers/
│   │   ├───📁 Category/
│   │   │   └───📄 categoryController.js
│   │   ├───📁 error/
│   │   │   └───📄 ApiError.js
│   │   ├───📁 Item/
│   │   │   └───📄 ItemController.js
│   │   ├───📁 response/
│   │   │   └───📄 ApiResponse.js
│   │   └───📁 SubCategory/
│   │       └───📄 subCategoryController.js
│   ├───📁 middlewares/
│   │   ├───📄 ApiErrorMiddleware.js
│   │   ├───📄 Async.js
│   │   └───📄 HandleNotFoundMiddleware.js
│   ├───📁 models/
│   │   ├───📄 Category.js
│   │   ├───📄 Item.js
│   │   └───📄 SubCategory.js
│   ├───📁 routes/
│   │   ├───📄 categoryRoute.js
│   │   ├───📄 itemRoute.js
│   │   └───📄 subcategoryRoute.js
│   └───📄 server.js
├───📄 .gitignore
├───📄 package-lock.json
├───📄 package.json

API Documentation

This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for managing categories.

Category Method Endpoint Purpose
I. Create Category POST /api/category/create To create a new category with provided details.
II. Get Single Category GET /api/category/get/:id To retrieve a specific category using its unique identifier (id).
III. Get Category By Name GET /api/category/get?name=categorynamegoeshere To search for categories based on a provided name using Regular Expression Matching (partial matches possible).
IV. Update Category PUT /api/category/update/:id To modify details of an existing category identified by its id.
V. Delete Category DELETE /api/category/delete/:id To remove a specific category from the system (requires valid id).


  • Replace :id in the endpoints with the actual category identifier for specific operations (GET Single Category, Update Category, Delete Category).
  • Replace name in the get?name endpoints with the actual name for filtering Categories.

SubCategory API Documentation

This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for managing subcategories.

SubCategory Method Endpoint Purpose
I. Create Sub-Category POST /api/sub-category/create To create a new sub-category.
II. Get Single Sub-Category by id GET /api/sub-category/get/:id To retrieve a specific sub-category using its unique identifier (id).
III. Get SubCategory by Name GET /api/sub-category/get?name=requiredname To search for subcategories based on a provided name using Regular Expression Matching (partial matches possible).
IV. Get SubCategory Under Category GET /api/sub-category/getunder?name=nameofcategory To fetch a list of subcategories belonging to a specific category (exact name match).
V. Update SubCategory PUT /api/sub-category/update/:id To modify details of an existing sub-category identified by its id.
VI. Delete SubCategory DELETE /api/sub-category/delete/:id To remove a specific sub-category from the system (requires valid id).


  • Replace :id in the endpoints with the actual sub-category identifier for specific operations (GET Single Sub-Category, Update Sub-Category, Delete SubCategory).
  • Replace nameofcategory in the getunder endpoint with the actual category name for filtering subcategories.

Items API Documentation

This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for managing items.

Item Method Endpoint Purpose
I. Create Item POST /api/item/create To create a new item.
II. Get Single Item by id GET /api/item/get/:id To retrieve a specific item using its unique identifier (id).
III. Get Item by Name GET /api/item/get?name=requiredname To search for items based on a provided name using Regular Expression Matching (partial matches possible).
IV. Get Items Under Category GET /api/item/get-under-category?name=category To fetch a list of items belonging to a specific category (exact name match).
V. Get Items Under Sub-Category GET /api/item/get-under-sub-category?name=subcategory To fetch a list of items belonging to a specific sub-category (exact name match).
VI. Update Item PUT /api/item/update/:id To modify details of an existing item identified by its id.
VII. Delete Item DELETE /api/item/delete/:id To remove a specific item from the system (requires valid id).


  • Replace :id in the endpoints with the actual item identifier for specific operations (GET Single Item by id, Update Item, Delete Item).
  • Replace name in the get?name endpoints with the actual name for filtering items.
  • Replace category, subcategory in the get-under-category?name=category, get-under-subcategory?name=subcategory endpoints with the actual category/subcategory name, for filtering items.