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Folders and files

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Open a small floating window containing a few details about the current buffer. Useful when you just want to quickly see details about a file like <c-g>.

Simple custom mapping:

nnoremap <silent> <c-g> :InfoWindowToggle<cr>


Any package manager will do.

Plug 'mcchrish/info-window.nvim'


By default, the following information is displayed in the information window:

  • Buffer name
  • Buffer type
  • Buffer format
  • Number of lines

But you can use infowindow#create or infowindow#toggle then pass a custom funcref/lambda that returns a list of lines.

" Extend the default content and add current git branch
" Lines can be plain string or a list where the first element is the label and
" the second element is the content. It will be then automatically formatted.
command! InfoWindowCustomToggle call infowindow#toggle({} , { default_lines -> extend(default_lines, [['branch', fugitive#head()]]) })

By default, the information window will disappear after 2.5 seconds. You can change it using g:infowindow_timeout. If the timeout is 0, then it will not be closed automatically.


You can change the highlighting of the floating window by setting InfoWindowFloat.


highlight link InfoWindowFloat StatusLine

sample screenshot colorscheme yin


PR is welcome! This plugin is basic as it is. It does not even support vim popup. So if anyone wants to add some improvements, go ahead.


  • vim popup
  • borders
  • more file details and customization
  • able to add custom text
  • customize colors/highlighting
  • reactive: display info about whatever current buffer
  • close window on cursor move