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TURNSTONE: The fUnny opeRatiNg SysTem Of uNivErse


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TURNSTONE: The fUnny opeRatiNg SysTem Of uNivErse

This is a custom os project.

The roadmap is at @ref roadmap.

The architecture is at @ref architecture.

Building On OSX

You need packages with macports:

x86_64-elf-gcc x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
make clean gendirs qemu

Building On Linux

There is two options install gcc and gcc-mingw-w64 and:

make clean gendirs qemu

Or build with container. First build the turnstone-builder image:

podman build -t localhost/turnstone-builder:latest -f scripts/container-build/Containerfile .

Then build turnstone and generate 1GiB raw disk output/qem-hda, which will be used as disk of qemu.

podman run --rm -v ./:/osdev:Z localhost/turnstone-builder:latest

If you don't use selinux you can omit the Z parameter at volume mount.


On both OSX and Linux you need qemu.

On Linux you need edk2-ovmf package for efi files for qemu. On OSX macports provides them with qemu.

For starting a networkless (may be with default network) qemu with OVMF EDK2 uefi bios:


The qemu terminal will be openned at console and video output will be at



After boot completes a ring-0 shell opens. If the press an enter you can see the prompt. You can write help for supported commands.

$ help
	help		: prints this help
	clear		: clears the screen
	poweroff	: powers off the system alias shutdown
	reboot		: reboots the system
	color		: changes the color first argument foreground second is background in hex
	ps		    : prints the current processes
	date		: prints the current date with time alias time
	usbprobe	: probes the USB bus
	free		: prints the frame usage
	wm	     	: opens test window
	vm	    	: vm commands
	rdtsc		: read timestamp counter
	tosdb		: tosdb commands
	kill		: kills a process with pid
	module		: module(library) utils

For details please look the page @ref shell.


You can find docs at projects website

For discustions please visit discord channel.