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This project contains the code for data scraping, data cleaning, and modeling used to generate forecasts shown on


This code is developed locally on a Windows machine and deployed locally to an Ubuntu VPS. The modeling code is primarily run in R (>=4.1.2) but some scraping scripts make calls to Python (=3.8.7). Modules are imported wholesale using the reticulate package. Data and model features are stored in a Postgres/TimescaleDB server hosted on the VPS.

DB Structure

PostgreSQL SQL Structure




  • Added FNMA fixes

[v2.00] (API Integration & Design Overhaul)

  • Added bond forecasts for international markets (EU, see ticket chain)
  • Added better logging system
  • Added integration to updated DB backend
  • Added backtesting to interest rate models and historical smoothing to Treasury yields

[v2.00] (API Integration & Design Overhaul)

  • Added bond forecasts for international markets (EU, see ticket chain)
  • Added new DB connector function and various DB related helpers
  • Added TDNS forecast backtests and GAM smoothing with micro futures data
  • Added improved logging system
  • Fixed purrr v1.0 and dplyr 1.1 migration breaks
  • Fixed broken nowcast model issues

[v1.04] (Misc Bugfixes)

  • Fixed bug related to einf forecasts missing latest vintage
  • Fixed bug caused by einf source XLS -> XLSX migration

[v1.03] (Misc Forecast Additions) (2022-08-28)

  • Added Conference Board forecasts
  • Added websocket test scraper for futures rates
  • Added barchart scraper for backfilling missing futures data
  • Added various ad-hoc request fulfillments as well as initial confidence interval generation script
  • Added initial scaffolding for recession probability index
  • Added Pytorch migration of data scorer
  • Added labor force (unemp, lfpr) test stacking composite model
  • Added import of GDPNow, St. Louis Fed nowcast, NY Fed nowcast
  • Fixed bug related to ALFRED 2000 vintage date limit
  • Fixed CB, EINF, FNMA scrapes related to source changes

[v1.02] (Sentiment Index Improvements) (2022-06-01)

  • Added initial detailed labor market modeling
  • Added labor market subindex integration with main index
  • Added websocket test scraper for futures rates
  • Added barchart scraper for backfilling missing futures data
  • Fixed critical bug with sentiment aggregation TZ casting

[v1.01] (Model Improvements & Sentiment Index) (2022-05-16)

This adds sentiment index modeling, along with minor modeling improvements and additions.

  • Added ICE scraper with SONIA, ESTR rates (Euribor rates delayed due to historical data issues)
  • Added Reuters scraper and Reddit API scraper for sentiment analysis
  • Added initial score analysis w/ BERT and dictionary
  • Added sentiment index scraping for official media sources
  • Added sentiment index scraping for PushShift & Reddit
  • Added sentiment index ReReddit scraper for backfilling data
  • Added sentiment index DistilBERT, RoBERTa, and dictionary scoring
  • Added sentiment index DB storage
  • Added sentiment index aggregation and model stacking
  • Added sentiment index scoring fixes and pull fixes

[v.020 -> v1.00] (Model Modularization & Re-Release) (2022-03-02)

This continues modularization & adds an initial web release on

  • Added SPF, CBO, WSJ external forecasts
  • Added reticulate Python integration
  • Added Fannie Mae data parsing
  • Added nowcast model with correct aggregations and stationary transformations (by vintage date)
  • Added nowcast model DB storage
  • Added UUP import to replace FRED USD source (vintage dates start too late)
  • Added modules system
  • Added split of external forecast inputs
  • Added centralized logging system
  • Added split of consensus futures model from extenral forecasts
  • Added fully improved SQL table structure
  • Added better optionalization of SQL tables
  • Added optimized stationary transforms
  • Added CPI EINF calcs
  • Added intial composite model for PCE & GDP
  • Cleaned up old files
  • Deprecated Quandl data input
  • Fixed bug in get_fred_data related to observation date pulls
  • Fixed STLFSI with updated version
  • Fixed SQL table key issues
  • Improved nowcast docs

[v0.19] (Model Backtesting and Vintage Analysis)

This is a full model rewrite. The rewrite for the full-scale model is delayed, but immediate releases of external forecasts & composite external forecasts are intended for the version. In addition, alternate indices are included in the release. The code is restructured to build a more comprehensive backend built off TimescaleDB/Postgres with proper vintage storage, but with more intermediary and partial releases.

  • Added calculated variables to historical data load
  • Added calculations for getting last date by vintage date
  • Added AMERIBOR & Bloomberg BSBY rate imports
  • Added modularization of interest rate models
  • Added cleanup of Treasury rate forecasts
  • Added AMERIBOR & BSBY forecasts
  • Cleaned up TDNS model code
  • Removed Cleveland Fed FRED pull (inconsistent data)
  • Removed old junk in README

[v0.18] (Model Rewrite Prep)

  • Added new TimescaleDB compatible data pulls
  • Removed all old/junk files

[v0.17] (Model Productionalization)

  • Added task scheduling abilities for updated models
  • Added splitting of SQL inserts due to memory issues
  • Added code for sentiments analysis to SQL
  • Added advanced sales subcomponents, and disprank/disptabs for website display
  • Added new helper functions and prepared package for CRAN addition
  • Added new repository for vintage data
  • Added code to move package to prod site
  • Added code to move pull-external-forecasts invariant to dev server (set EF_DIR in .renviron)
  • Fixed issue with inflation forecast spacing
  • Fixed issue with using SQL queries not returning modified rows
  • Fixed issue with WSJ scraping not working on prod site (needed headers)

[v0.16] (CSM Forecasting & Initial Model Rewrite) (2021-09-03)

  • Added CSM forecasting code
  • Added model stacking for PCA->DFM->Kalman Filter process to reduce variance due to factor selection
  • Added qualitative forecasts for mortgage rates and mortgage spreads
  • Added bank deposits, C&I, bank credit and converted bank RE to weekly index for DFM inputs
  • Added JOLTS to DFM inputs (changed stationary form to base values)
  • Added better qualitative forecasting output checks & graphs
  • Added automatic export of qualitative forecasting graphs for model checking
  • Added rewrite of CSM exogenous df to reflect refactoring in qualitative forecasts
  • Added split of mandatory exogenous variables (used in calc of forecast dates) from variables which can be exog for some dates, endog for others
  • Added nice charts and evaluation for structural forecasts
  • Added better implementation of structural forecasts
  • Added allowance for multiple structural model scenarios
  • Added improved error handling in model estimation procedure
  • Added weighted moving averages to structural equations
  • Added refactored SQL code
  • Added propert constraints to SQL tables
  • Improved structuring of columns on inputs.xlsx for better notation of structural input types and output types
  • Removed CFNAI and WEI from DFM inputs

[v0.15] (2021-07-26)

  • Added rewrite of model flow: (1) data, (2) nowcasts, (3) qual forecasts, (4) csm
  • Added table of releases to inputs
  • Added refactoring of release date pulling process
  • Added nowcast d2 transformation
  • Added date pull to reflect VINTAGE_DATE
  • Added Empire State Mfg Index - Capital Expenditures to replace Manufacturing Conditions due to high variance of induced PCA estates
  • Added more financial indices: ag commodities ETF, metals ETF, ex-US equities ETF
  • Added qualitative forecasts
  • Added detransformation for qualitative forecasts
  • Added CSM exogenous table
  • Improved nowcast variables to match structure of other variable data (obj$[[form]]$[[freq]])
  • Removed some old unused files

[v0.14] (2021-06-24)

  • Added better data import system
  • Added better data transform system
  • Added cleaner EOM aggregation system
  • Added automatic cookie scraping from CME site to bypass block
  • Added separation of external forecasts from initial forecasts
  • Added initial forecasts framework in DB
  • Added nowcast SFTP upload
  • Added some updates to sentiments model
  • Added more imports to WSJ
  • Fixed WSJ forecasts since now quarterly (since April 2021)
  • Fixed bug with CME scrape (removed cookie set)
  • Removed JOLTS new hires from inputs (missing data in 2010)

[v0.13] (2021-05-25)

  • Added importing of releases & release dates for input data series into nowcast models
  • Added SQL export of releases & release dates
  • Added new shipments, new business applications
  • Added releases table to SQL
  • Added notes re: purl toggle
  • Added code to cleanup old .tex and .pdf files, as well as clean images directory
  • Added error logging to task scheduler
  • Improved 3-month -> 12-month moving-average inhistorical inflation data
  • Fixed bug caused by optimizing DNS yield curve parametrization over MAPE instead of MAE (MAPE was returning Inf values)
  • Removed WEI index

[v0.12] (2021-05-07)

  • Added structural basics with impulse response
  • Added headers to CME scraping; user-agent now required to access JSON files
  • Added task scheduler for Windows automation of scripts
  • Added updated project management spreadsheet
  • Fixed bug in documentation (xtables)

[v0.11] (2021-03-19)

  • Added backtest code for nowcasts
  • Added code for iterating over vintage dates
  • Added JOLTS data to model inputs
  • Added formatted table for diagnostic factor weights
  • Added elastic net regularization to quarterly dynamic factor models
  • Added elastic net hyperparameter selection plots
  • Added some of the new regularization info to documentation
  • Added alpha boundaries to (.5, 1) due to overregularization of some consumption variables
  • Fixed bug related to knitr::purl
  • Fixed bug related to SQL insert

[v0.10] (2021-03-06)

  • Added import spreadsheet
  • Added GDP subcomponents
  • Added deseasonalization information
  • Added first monthly interpolation
  • Added Kalman filtration code
  • Added PCA analysis
  • Added dynamic factor models
  • Added documentation for Kalman filter
  • Added backtransformation functions
  • Added many new PCA variable
  • Added FRED GET to RETRY
  • Added Bai-Ng information criteria for scree plot DFM
  • Added Yahoo Finance import
  • Added plots for PCA, Kalman filter & smoother, VAR, DFM
  • Added in-sample goodness of fit for VAR & DFM
  • Added documentation for VAR, DFM, & intro
  • Added documentation templates
  • Added SQL insert
  • Added ability to pull data from particular vintage date
  • Added purl code to extract main rmd code and convert it to a function - use for backtesting
  • Fixed bug with monthly aggregation
  • Fixed bug with specific vintage date pulls from ALFRED database

[v0.09] (2021-02-13)

  • Added mortgage models
  • Added misc stationary transform functions for structural modeling
  • Added addLags() function
  • Added historical data aggregation for SEMs
  • Added expected inflation models
  • Added prep for Kalman smoothing & interpolation

[v0.08] (2021-02-09)

  • Added monthly aggregation for daily-data forecasts
  • Added SOFR web scraping
  • Fixed some issues with inconsistent variable names

[v0.05] (2021-02-03)

  • Added dynamic Nelson-Siegel interest rate decomposition & forecasting model
  • Added code to allow for SPF pulling for more variables
  • Added code to pull historical data of multiple frequencies
  • Added SQL inserts to fc tables
  • Added SQL insert function
  • Improved overall code organization in forecasts.rmd

[v0.04] (2021-01-29)

  • Added historical data scraping code
  • Added code for fed funds rate
  • Fixed bug in data upload
  • Fixed bug in getDataFred()
  • Fixed bug in package description compilation

[v0.03] (2021-01-13)

  • Added code for calculating asset contagion index
  • Added code for splitting RESET_ALL runs from update runs
  • Added code for truncating tables on RESET_ALL runs

[v0.02] (2021-01-09)

  • Added code for remote SQL connection
  • Added code for calculation of cross-asset rolling correlation statistics
  • Added code for remote SFTP and COPY batch insert of asset-correlation data

[v0.01] (2021-01-08)

  • Added web scraping code for CBO
  • Added web scraping code for FRED
  • Added web scraping code for WSJ
  • Added web scraping code for Philadelphia Fed

[v0.00] (2021-01-07)

  • Added initial package setup
  • Added initial web scraping framework setup
    title Recent Changes
    dateFormat  M/D/Y
    axisFormat  %m/%d
    section 16. Sentiment Indices Release (v1.01)
      Sentiment Model Exploration      :3/3/22, 4/24/22
      Sentiment Model Scraping - FT, Reuters, Reddit/PushShift      :4/3/22, 5/8/22
      Sentiment Model DB Setup      :5/1/22, 5/8/22
      Sentiment Model Web Page Setup      :5/8/22, 5/15/22
      Sentiment Model Release       :5/15/22, 5/15/22