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This application aims to detect breaking points in a genome assembly quickly with parallelization brought by Spark.

Tested for Spark-2.2 on a single node with 128 cores and 2TB RAM without Apache Haddop installation. Written in Scala-2.11. Built with sbt-1.0.2.


  1. Build the jar (skip this step if you have the jar file already)

    git clone
    cd sparkling-breakpoint
    sbt package

    A jar named sparklingbreakpointapp will be created under target/scala-2.11.

  2. Submit a spark job,

    spark-submit --driver-memory 300G --master local[*]  \
        /path/to/target/scala-2.11/sparklingbreakpointapp_2.11-0.1.0.jar \
        /path/to/extent_file.csv \
        /path/to/output.csv \
        <depthCutoff> \
        <moleculeSize> \
        <maxMoleculeExtent> \
        2>&1 | tee out.log

    Modify the above arguments accordingly. Lots of log will produced, so better save log with tee for further debugging purpose.

    Output will be saved in csv/parquet format, the program will choose the format according to the extension of the output file specified.

    If the output is saved in parquet format, for further investigation with Python data science stack, you could use pyarrow to read the parquet file. Of course, you could also do all the analysis in Spark, esp. when the data size is large.


    When running on a single node, I noticed a big variance in terms of runtime. For a human 851M extent file, I've seen ~1.5 min to ~30 min. I assume it highly depends on the IO condition and how the input is cached when the program is running. When it's slow, it seems to be mainly slow for IO. If you have insight about the details, please do let me know.


Handy feature from sbt: auto compilation/test/package upon change in the source text file.


A brief intro to how Spark works and its application in breakpoint detection on a single node

Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. It makes programming parallel applications relatively straightforward. In contrast to the more conventional MPI-based API, which is commonly seen in a high performance computing (HPC) setting, Spark API are designed at much higher-level, which allow developers to focus more on the application logic rather than low-level communications among different workers, exception handling, etc. Please see Jonathan Dursi's post for deeper insight on this topic.

I think the idea for parallel processing data (esp. big data) is relatively simple. Given that we have many cores, which by the way could be either within a single node or distributed across multiple nodes, we would like to split the data into multiple smaller partitions and send them to all cores evenly for parallel processing, and then aggregate their results into a single one, which is what we are interested (e.g. the classic word counting example). This model is named MapReduce and published. by Goolge in 2004.

Spark reads data in parallel, usually from a distributed file system like HDFS. But when the Spark application is run on a single node, and reading data from a more conventional file system, the reading process seems to choke easily, which could be the reason to the big variance in the aforementioned caveat, esp. when the file size is not too small. As the Hadoop wikipedia page puts it:

This (HDFS) allows the dataset to be processed faster and more efficiently than it would be in a more conventional supercomputer architecture that relies on a parallel file system where computation and data are distributed via high-speed networking

That's basically (or at least a big part of) what Spark enables. In this breakpoint detection task in particular. The Spark application reads in an extent file (e.g. in CSV-like format) which describes the beginning and ending position of every 10X molecule on the corresponding contig it aligns to. The csv file is split into partitions depending on the system setup. For example, on a single node 128 cores, the file is split into 128 partitions.

During the map stage, each molecule extent gets converted into its coverage representation with two point coverage transtions (PCTs). PCT is what I used to represent coverage efficiently. It is basically a tuple in the format of (position, coverage, nextCoverage), which tells the coverage of the current position and that of the next position. In between two neighbouring PCTs, the coverage is uniform. E.g. suppose a molecule's beginning and ending coordinates are 10,001 and 20,001, which equivalently means that the coverage of region [10,0001, 20,001) brought by this molecule alone is 1. Note that the poistion at 20,0001 is actually not included. Such coverage information can be efficiently represented as two PCTs, (10,000, 0, 1) and (20,000, 1, 0), which means the coverage transitions from 0 to 1 at position 10,000 and then 1 to 0 at 20,000, instead of a 10k long array with all ones. In a 0-based coordinate system, the lowest position in PCT is -1 where the coverage is always zero. Actually, to represent a coverage, at least two PCTs are needed to represent the transitions from 0 to x and then x back to 0. This is why each molecule in the extent file gets converted to two PCTs.

During the reduce stage, all PCTs from all molecules are simply concatenated.

After the reduce, at the finishing stage, the concatenated PCTs are sorted, and then consolidated to represent the sum of coverages from all molecules. In contrast to region based way of representing coverage information, still as a list of PCTs. I find it easier to merge all PCTs than to merge multiple overlapped regions.

To detect potential breakpoints, we just need to find PCTs that transition through the specified depthCutoff, and maybe some other criteria (e.g. < maxMoleculeSpan).


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