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  Copyright (c) 2012 Shanghai EmbedWay Information Technologies Co.,Ltd China
                     Zhu Jinliang

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and sell copies 
  of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to 
  do so, subject to the following conditions:

  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


tclInterpreter is a very small tcl interpreter. It is developed based on the
picol which is only 500 lines of C code by Salvatore antirez Sanfilippo and
linenoise library which is also only 500 lines of C code by Salvatore
TCL which is for short of tool command language is a scripting language. It is
easy to master, and very powerful. TCL is often used for rapid prototyping,
scripting, GUI and testing. If you want to know more about TCL, please visit
this website:
The tclInterpreter supports the basic command of tcl, what's more, you can also
add other commands to the program if needed. It can be used to use tcl script
test hardware or others.

How to use:
tclInterpreter can be compiled for a UNIX/Linux host by typing "make" under the
tclInterpreter directory in the terminal.
Then there will be an executable file called "tcl" exists. Now, you can run it 
by typing "./tcl" in the terminal.
When you run the "tcl", you can do these:
1. If you don't type any pramaters after tcl, it will run in the interactive 
mode. You can type tcl command directly, then type enter key to run them.

2. Of course, if you have already created a tcl script, you can run it. Just 
do like this: ./tcl -s [tcl script file name]

3. If you just want to load the variables or functions which are already written 
in the script to the memmory, just do like this: ./tcl  -i [tcl script file
name]. After run load the script, you will get into interactive mode.

Since the tclInterpreter includes the linenoise library, when we are in the
interactive mode, we can use these functions:
1. You can use "tab" key to fill the whole command word if matches.

2. These keys: up and down arrow, ctrl-p, ctrl-n, can be used to find the
   history command. 

3. These keys: left and right arrow, ctrl-f, ctrl-b, can be used to move the

4. These shortcuts you often use in the terminal is also available, such
   as:ctrl-h, ctrl-d, ctrl-t, ctrl-u, ctrl-k, ctrl-a, ctrl-e, ctrl-l, ctrl-j.

If you want to add more command to the software, you can see the function
"picolRegisterCoreCommands" in the picol.c file, and learn how to complete.

demo.tcl is a tcl script file which is an example for you to use.
There will be a history.txt file exist in your HOME directory, which is used
store the history command.

Since the author's ability is limited, the software may exist many bugs that I
didn't have found and solve them. Please write them in a file, and send to me 
if possible. I'll appreciate your work very much!

If you want to make contact with me, mail me at this:

-Zhu Jinliang, Mar 2012


A interpreter that can interpret simple tcl language






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