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Loader Simulation


Illustrate the concepts of synchronous and asynchronous execution with callbacks and promises. This exercise also introduces build tools like jshint, browserify and node-sass and the package.json script object.

An asynchronous execution happens when the result of a function call is not immediatly returned (e.g.: fetch() or XMLHttpRequest). In those case, the script needs an other function to handle the rest of the process. It is a very common thing in modern JavaScript because it always happens when you make a request to a server or ask a user the permission to access some browser features.

In this exercise, we will simulate the asynchronous execution by using setTimeout() and setInterval().

Sometimes, you have to work with events, which will use object.addEventListener('<name-of-the-event>', callbackFunction). It has some similarities in the sense of that the callbackFunction is called when an event happens.

Note: after the completion of each steps, you should make a commit with the name of the step (and push it).



  • Create a new repository called loader-simulation, in the .gitignore option, select "Node", and clone it locally.
  • With your terminal, go in the folder of the exercise and initialize a npm package (using the npm init command).
  • Once the npm initialization wizard is finished, edit the package.json which has been created by npm and add "private": true, at the beginning of the file.
  • Create the index.js, style.scss and an index.html file.
    In your HTML file, instead of including index.js, you will use bundle.js
    Don't forget to add a link tag to load style.css (not style.scss!).
  • Install browserify, jshint, mkdirp and cp with npm using the command npm i --save-dev node-sass browserify mkdirp cp
  • In your package.json add a script called prebuild with mkdirp docs && cp index.html docs/.
  • Again, in your package.json, add a script called build with browserify index.js -o docs/bundle.js && node-sass style.scss docs/style.css.
  • Run the following command to create the bundle.js file: npm run build.

Create styles

  • In your style.scss file add a selector .loader with
    • a #999 background color.
    • a maximal width of 300px
    • a height of 24px
    • rounded corners (so that the left and right sides of the element look like 2 half circles)
  • Again in your style.scss, inside the declaration of .loader, add declaration for the .progress selector with:
    • a #333 background color
    • margins of 2px
  • In your HTML file, create a div element with the class loader.
  • Inside the div.loader, create an other div element with the class progress
Result CSS

The resulting CSS should look like:

.loader {
  /* loader styles */

.loader .progress {
  /* loader progress styles */

Add the simulator library

  • Edit your package.json and add "simulate-progress": "zeropaper/xt-simulate-progress" to the devDependencies
  • Run npm i (this will install the install the new dependency)
  • In your index.js add load simulateProgress using var simulateProgress = require('simulate-progress');.
  • Build your project (npm run build)

_Note: It is rare (but it happens) that you will have to add a dependency like that (GitHub "username/repository-name").

Add some JavaScript

  • Create a function called progressCallback.
    This function takes 1 argument called percent and changes the side of the .progress (to reflect the percentage loaded).
  • Create a function called finishCallback which adds a class finished to the .loader.
  • Create a function called startSimulation which
    • Removes the finished class on the .loader
    • Calls the simulateProgress function with the progressCallback and finishCallback functions as arguments.
  • Call the startSimulation function.

Improve the styles

The styles are not so great, change them to:

  • Make it so that the .loader takes the same shape as .progress but slightly smaller so that 2px of the .progress element are visible (on every sides).
  • Add a .finished rule so that it turns the background color of the .progress to green.
  • Set the width of the .progress to 0% by default


  • Add the jshint (version latest) to the devDependency of your package.json and run npm i.
  • Add jshint to your prebuild script (before mkdirp using &&)
  • In your index.js add the following comment at the top of your file: /* jshint browserify: true */.
    This comment instructs jshint to consider the file to be used with browserify.

Continuous integration

  • Create a .travis.yml file with the following content
    dist: trusty
    language: node_js
      - "8"
  • Change the test script of your package.json to jshint index.js (normally, we would using a testing tool, but for now, we only do linting).
  • Go on travis-ci site, register and add the repository of this exercise.


  • Add the uglify-js to the devDependency of your package.json and run npm i.
  • Add a postbuild script to your package.json in which you you use uglify to minify the compiled docs/bundle.js.


  • Remove the startSimulation function call.
  • Put the .loader element inside a div
  • Add a button next tho the .loader element (inside the div you just created).
  • Add a click event listener to the button which will call the startSimulation.
  • Duplicate the div you created and make changes to your JavaScript so that when the buttons are clicked they animate their respective progress bar.
    Use querySelectorAll and forEach, use IDs is NOT ALLOWED 😋

lame GIF


It is not really elegant to have your source files (index.js, index.html and style.scss) at the root of your project.

  • Create a folder src and move your source files inside it.
  • Make the necessary changes to your package.json.


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