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Doris Lee edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 17 revisions

Zenvisage: An Interactive and Expressive Visual Data Exploration System


In today's "big data" era, everyone has access to massive volumes of data, and are struggling to make sense of, and derive value from such data. The state of the art for non-programmers is to load their data into visualization tools such as Tableau and PowerBI, and repeatedly generate visualizations until desired ones are identified. This process of manual examination of large collections of visualizations is painful, tedious, and time-consuming, meaning that the "insight per unit time" is exceedingly low.

The goal of zenvisage is to fast-forward users to their desired insights by automatically identifying and recommending interesting visualizations. The user specifies at a high level what they are looking for, and the system does the rest.

You can try out the latest version of Zenvisage here. By pressing on the ► button on the top left corner of the webpage, you can access the interactive tutorial that will guide you through the features in Zenvisage. Please refer to the user manual for additional information on how to use zenvisage: