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Get a redmine object

Padi edited this page Oct 13, 2020 · 14 revisions

Getting an object of type T.

Parameters: (Issue)

include: fetch associated data (optional).

Possible values: children, attachments, relations, changesets and journals.

To fetch multiple associations use comma (e.g ?include=relations,journals).

Sync Example (Issue):

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using Redmine.Net.Api;
using Redmine.Net.Api.Types;

namespace RedmineTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string host = "<host>";
            string apiKey = "<api-key>";
            string issueId = "<issue-id>";
            var manager = new RedmineManager(host, apiKey);

            //parameter - fetch associated relations.
            var parameters = new NameValueCollection {{RedmineKeys.INCLUDE, RedmineKeys.RELATIONS}};
            var issue = manager.GetObject<Issue>(issueId, parameters);
            Console.WriteLine("Issue: {0}.", issue);

Async Example (Issue):

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using Redmine.Net.Api;
using Redmine.Net.Api.Types;
using Redmine.Net.Api.Async;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace RedmineTest
    class Program
        static RedmineManager manager;
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string host = "<host>";
            string apiKey = "<api-key>";

            manager = new RedmineManager(host, apiKey);

            var issue = await GetIssueAsync();
            Console.WriteLine("Issue: {0}.", issue);

        public static async Task<Issue> GetIssueAsync()
            string issueId = "<issue-id>";
            var parameters = new NameValueCollection {{RedmineKeys.INCLUDE, RedmineKeys.RELATIONS}};
            var issue = await manager.GetObjectAsync<Issue>(issueId, parameters);
            return issue;