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Get a paginated list of redmine objects

alinach edited this page May 12, 2016 · 15 revisions

####Get a paginated list of redmine objects####

Returns a paginated list of type T.

The default page size is 25. The default maximum page size is 100.


  • offset: skip this number of issues in response (optional)
  • limit: number of issues per page (optional)
  • sort: column to sort with. Append :desc to invert the order.

Optional filters: (Issue)

  • project_id: get issues from the project with the given id, where the id is either project id or project identifier
  • subproject_id: get issues from the subproject with the given id. You can use project_id=XXX&subproject_id=!* to get only the issues of a given project and none of its sub projects.
  • tracker_id: get issues from the tracker with the given id
  • status_id: get issues with the given status id only. Possible values: open, closed, * to get open and closed issues, status id
  • assigned_to_id: get issues which are assigned to the given user id. me can be used instead an ID to fetch all issues from the logged in user (via API key or HTTP auth)
  • cf_x: get issues with the given value for custom field with an ID of x. (Custom field must have 'used as a filter' checked.)
  • created_on: fetch issues for a date range.


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using Redmine.Net.Api;
    using Redmine.Net.Api.Types;

    namespace RedmineTest
       class Program
           static void Main(string[] args)
               string host = "<host>";
               string apiKey = "<api-key>";
               var manager = new RedmineManager(host, apiKey);

               //parameter - get paginated list of issues
               var parameters = new NameValueCollection {{RedmineKeys.STATUS_ID, RedmineKeys.ALL}, 
                                          { RedmineKeys.OFFSET, "<offset>" }, 
                                          { RedmineKeys.LIMIT, "<limit>" }, 
                                          { RedmineKeys.SORT, "id:desc" }};

               //parameter - fetch issues for a date range
               parameters.Add(RedmineKeys.CREATED_ON, "><2012-03-01|2012-03-07");

               foreach (var issue in manager.GetPaginatedObjects<Issue>(parameters))
                   Console.WriteLine("#{0}: {1}", issue.Id, issue.Subject);