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ZAP Documentation Web Renderer


The ZAP Documentation Web Renderer is a web application designed to transform ZAP (ZCL Advanced Platform) documentation into an aesthetic static website that can be shared internally or externally with users of your Zigbee or Matter device.

What is ZAP?

If you don't know ZAP (ZCL Advanced Platform), better start here: ZAP

What does it look like ?

Refer to the live sample built from the master branch:

Rendered Documentation from CI build


Quick Start

Refer to CI Build for a complete running example.

  1. Provide
  • zap.sqlite file using env var ZAP_SQLITE_PATH
  • JSON descriptors folder using env var ZAP_JSON_DESCRIPTORS_FOLDER
  • Specify the PATH_PREFIX env var, if you intend to deploy to a subdirectory, such as This is optional, with the default path prefix being /.

See Feeding ZAP Documentation Data for more details.

  1. Debug
gatsby develop
  1. Build and Serve
gatsby build --prefix-paths --out-dir=./wherever-you-want

To serve use any static server (such as github pages), or directly from gatsby:

gatsby serve --prefix-paths --port 9000

CI Build and Serve

Github Actions

Refer to deploy.yml for a complete running example. This job will build the project and deploy it to Github Pages. Rendered Documentation on Github

Github pipeline status : Deploy Github Pages

Gitlab CI

Refer to .gitlab-ci.yml for a complete running example. This job will build the project and deploy it to Gitlab Pages. Rendered Documentation on Gitlab

Gitlab pipeline status : Deploy Gitlab Pages

Feeding ZAP Documentation Data

To effectively utilize this web application, follow these steps to provide the necessary data:

  1. zap.sqlite


  • What is it?: The zap.sqlite database is utilized by your ZAP instance. It contains comprehensive information about ZCL (Zigbee Cluster Library), including any custom manufacturer-specific clusters, attributes, and commands added via XML files.
  • Why?: This database is the source from which cluster and command description strings are extracted. Utilizing this data significantly enhances the readability of the generated documentation.
  • Where to find it?: On Linux systems, you can typically locate the zap.sqlite database under ~/.zap/zap.sqlite.
  • How to provide?: Use the environment variable ZAP_SQLITE_PATH to specify the path to the zap.sqlite database.
  1. JSON Descriptors


  • What are they?: JSON descriptors are files that store information about device configurations. When you edit a descriptor for your device, you save your session as a JSON file.
  • Why?: These JSON descriptor files contain critical device information, and they are the foundation of what gets rendered in the documentation.
  • Where to find them?: You have the flexibility to choose the location for saving device configuration JSON files when using ZAP.
  • How many?: You can drop multiple JSON descriptor files under the ./data/descriptors/ directory, and all of them will be rendered as individual device documentation pages. The file names you use will serve as the device names when displayed in the rendered documentation, without the .json extension. The directory structure should look like this:
    ├── device1.json
    ├── device2.json
    └── ...

Implementation details

This web application is built on the Gatsby framework, a powerful and versatile tool for creating static websites. Data for rendering the documentation is sourced from the specified data files, including the zap.sqlite database and JSON descriptor files, using standard Gatsby GraphQL data connectors. The combination of Gatsby and these data sources ensures a seamless and efficient documentation rendering process.

I've retained the explanations for both zap.sqlite and JSON descriptors in this revised README. Please feel free to further customize and expand the README as needed to provide additional context and instructions for users.


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