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libnodegit is asynchronous git bindings for node.js inspired by the similar projects node-gitteh and nodegit. It is built using the libgit2 library.

More information is there on the wiki.


Mac OS X/Linux/Unix Install nodegit by cloning source from GitHub.

TODO: Add makefiles to automate this?

Note: nodegit assumes your library path exists at ~/.node_libraries you can change this by specifying a new lib path

# Install node.js
# Install libgit2
$ git clone libnodegit
$ npm install ./libnodegit

Running tests

$ cd libnodegit
$ npm test


$ cd libnodegit
$ npm lint

Freemind map

There is an org-mode file here. Export it to freemind map by M-x org-export-as-freemind in emacs.

Project milestones

Quite incomplete. Preview here


A long boring academic report pdf

A quick presentation slides

libnodegit helloworld in CoffeeScript

License and legal stuff

Copy this, I don't care. Releasing code as WTFPL

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libnodegit is a JavaScript wrapper for a git repository based on libgit2






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