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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation




1. 下载对应平台的cmdp-server

mac | windows | linux

2. 安装mysql和redis


3. 修改 conf/app.conf配置


httpport = 8080
mysqluser = root
mysqlpass = secret
mysqlurls = localhost:3306
mysqldb   = cmdp
jwtkey = 123456
redis = {"key":"cmdp","conn":"","dbNum":"0","password":"secret"}
4. 启动服务端
chmod +x ./cmdp-server



请求: POST 参数类型: PATH URL: http://localhost:8080/v1/user/register

名称 参数名 类型 默认值 备注
用户名 Username POST /
登录密码 Password POST /

请求: POST 参数类型: PATH URL: http://localhost:8080/v1/user/login

名称 参数名 类型 默认值 备注
用户名 Username String /
登录密码 Password String /

请求: POST 参数类型: PATH URL: http://localhost:8080/v1/cmdp/create

名称 参数名 类型 默认值 备注
命令内容 Cmd String /
关键词 Keyword String /
注释 Comment String /
是否私有 Private Boolean 1 0 公开 1 私有

func Create(cmd Cmd) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	cmdJson, _ := json.Marshal(cmd)
	body := HttpJson("POST", "/cmdp/create", cmdJson)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func ForkCmd(keyword string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/cmdp/fork", "keyword="+keyword)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func Search(keyword string, page int, size int) CmdsRespond {
	result := CmdsRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/cmdp/search", "keyword="+keyword+"&page="+strconv.Itoa(page)+"&size="+strconv.Itoa(size))
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func GetCmd(keyword string) CmdRespond {
	result := CmdRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/cmdp/getCmd", "keyword="+keyword)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func Delete(id string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("GET", "/cmdp/delete/"+id, "")
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

// file

func CreateFile(file *File) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	fileJson, _ := json.Marshal(file)
	body := HttpJson("POST", "/file/create", fileJson)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func ForkFile(keyword string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/file/fork", "keyword="+keyword)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func SearchFile(keyword string, page int, size int) FilesRespond {
	result := FilesRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/file/search", "keyword="+keyword+"&page="+strconv.Itoa(page)+"&size="+strconv.Itoa(size))
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func DownloadFile(keyword string) FilesDownloadRespond {
	result := FilesDownloadRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/file/download", "keyword="+keyword)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func DeleteFile(id string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("GET", "/file/delete/"+id, "")
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

// user

func Login(username string, password string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/user/login", "Username="+username+"&Password="+password)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func Register(username string, password string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/user/register", "Username="+username+"&Password="+password)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func ResetPassword(password string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/user/reset", "password="+password)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func UpdateInfo(info string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/user/info", "info="+info)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

// star

type StarUser struct {
	StarId    int
	UserId    int
	Username  string    `orm:"size(255)"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"auto_now_add;type(datetime)"`
	CmdCount  int
	StarCount int
	FileCount int
	User      User

func CreateStar(username string) Respond {
	result := Respond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/star/create", "Username="+username)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func DeleteStar(id int) CmdsRespond {
	result := CmdsRespond{}
	body := Http("GET", "/star/delete/"+strconv.Itoa(id), "")
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func SearchStar(page int, size int, keyword string) StarsRespond {
	result := StarsRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/star/search", "page="+strconv.Itoa(page)+"&size="+strconv.Itoa(size)+"&keyword="+keyword)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result

func SearchUser(page int, size int, keyword string, official string) UsersRespond {
	result := UsersRespond{}
	body := Http("POST", "/user/search", "page="+strconv.Itoa(page)+"&size="+strconv.Itoa(size)+"&keyword="+keyword+"&official="+official)
	json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
	return result