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[BACKPORT 2.14][#21297] YSQL: Disable query layer retries after the f…
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…irst statement of batched execution

Original commit: fa8a138 / D32889
When using the PostgreSQL extended query protocol, SQL mutation statements can reach the Postgres query layer without a SYNC message between the statements. This can happen when using a batch in JDBC or via the PG pipeline mode. When this happens, TransactionState.ybDataSent can be false. For statements after the first one, we don't want to retry, but ybDataSent doesn't capture that intention. If a transaction conflict occurs after the first such statement, the code incorrectly retries the transaction starting at the current statement, missing all prior statements of the same batch, causing an atomicity violation and data loss. To fix this, retry only for the first meaningful statement, checked using GetCurrentCommandId().

Joint work with the Voyager team, Dmitry, Basava, and Piyush.
Jira: DB-10210

Test Plan:
Jenkins: test regex: .*TestPgBatch.*

./ --java-test 'org.yb.pgsql.TestPgBatch'

Reviewers: pjain, bkolagani, dmitry

Reviewed By: pjain

Subscribers: pjain, yql, ybase

Tags: #jenkins-ready

Differential Revision:
  • Loading branch information
foucher committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent 030ae07 commit a3ae4e5
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390 changes: 390 additions & 0 deletions java/yb-pgsql/src/test/java/org/yb/pgsql/
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// Copyright (c) YugaByte, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

package org.yb.pgsql;

import static org.yb.AssertionWrappers.assertEquals;
import static org.yb.AssertionWrappers.assertFalse;
import static org.yb.AssertionWrappers.assertGreaterThan;
import static org.yb.AssertionWrappers.assertNotEquals;
import static org.yb.AssertionWrappers.assertTrue;

import com.yugabyte.util.PSQLException;
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.yb.util.YBTestRunnerNonTsanOnly;

public class TestPgBatch extends BasePgSQLTest {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestPgBatch.class);

protected static IsolationLevel RC = IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED;
protected static IsolationLevel RR = IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ;
protected static IsolationLevel SR = IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE;

protected Map<String, String> getTServerFlags() {
Map<String, String> flagMap = super.getTServerFlags();
// TODO: Remove this override when read committed isolation is enabled by default.
flagMap.put("yb_enable_read_committed_isolation", "true");
flagMap.put("ysql_max_read_restart_attempts", "600000");
flagMap.put("ysql_max_write_restart_attempts", "600000");
return flagMap;

protected void setUpTable(int numRows, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) throws Throwable {
try (Statement s = connection.createStatement()) {
s.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t");
s.execute("CREATE TABLE t(k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)");
s.execute(String.format("INSERT INTO t SELECT generate_series(1, %d), 0", numRows));

protected Thread startConflictingThread(int conflictingStatement,
final AtomicBoolean failureDetected, final CountDownLatch startSignal) {
Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
try (Connection c = getConnectionBuilder().connect();
Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
s.execute("SET yb_transaction_priority_lower_bound = 0.5");
s.execute(String.format("UPDATE t SET v=1 WHERE k=%d", conflictingStatement));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Unexpected exception", e);
return t;

private String toSql(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
switch (isolationLevel) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();

* Statements in this method start from 1.
public void testTransparentRestartHelper(int conflictingStatement,
IsolationLevel isolationLevel) throws Throwable {
setUpTable(11, isolationLevel);
final AtomicBoolean failureDetected = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
Thread t = startConflictingThread(conflictingStatement, failureDetected, startSignal);
try (Connection c = getConnectionBuilder().connect();
Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
s.execute("SET yb_transaction_priority_upper_bound=0.4");
s.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + toSql(isolationLevel));
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
s.addBatch(String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d", i));
// In RC, a single row UPDATE will choose a read time in docdb rather than in the query layer
// and hence retries will be performed in docdb, without the transaction conflict error
// surfacing to the query layer. To force a transaction conflict error to be returned to the
// query layer for retry, we use this construction (k IN <set>), which issues parallel rpcs to
// docdbs on multiple tservers and causes the query layer to choose the read time instead of
// docdb.
s.addBatch("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k IN (5,6,7,8)");
for (int i = 9; i < 12; i++) {
s.addBatch(String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d", i));

// In RC in v2.14, without wait queues we do see a failure from the conflicting transaction.
// "expired or aborted by a conflict: 40001"
if (isolationLevel != RC) {
Set<Row> expected = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
expected.add(new Row(i, 2));
assertRowSet(s, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY k", expected);
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {;
// Because we can't replay the transaction from the middle of a batch, if it isn't the first
// statement, then we expect a BatchUpdateException.
assertGreaterThan(conflictingStatement, 1);
// In SR without wait queues (which are unavailable in v2.14), we do get this exception and
// therefore don't have an assertion that this isn't SR here.
// In RC, as noted above, the other thread fails, so we expect to get here in all cases.
// In the other isolation levels, if they get here it's because they were able to retry the
// first statement.
if (isolationLevel != RC) {
assertEquals(conflictingStatement, 1);

public void testTransparentRestart() throws Throwable {
// Params: conflicting statement, isolation level
testTransparentRestartHelper(5, RC);
testTransparentRestartHelper(5, RR);
testTransparentRestartHelper(5, SR);

public void testTransparentRestartFirstStatement() throws Throwable {
// Params: conflicting statement, isolation level
testTransparentRestartHelper(1, RC);
testTransparentRestartHelper(1, RR);
testTransparentRestartHelper(1, SR);

* Requires numStatements >= conflictingStatement
protected void testSyncInLongBatchHelper(
int numStatements, int conflictingStatement, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) throws Throwable {
setUpTable(numStatements, isolationLevel);
final AtomicBoolean failureDetected = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
Thread t = startConflictingThread(conflictingStatement, failureDetected, startSignal);
try (Connection c = getConnectionBuilder().connect();
Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
s.execute("SET yb_transaction_priority_upper_bound=0.4");
s.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + toSql(isolationLevel));
for (int i = 1; i <= numStatements; i++) {
s.addBatch(String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d", i));

// In RC in v2.14, without wait queues we do see a failure from the conflicting transaction.
// "expired or aborted by a conflict: 40001"
if (isolationLevel != RC) {
Set<Row> expected = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= numStatements; i++) {
expected.add(new Row(i, 2));
assertRowSet(s, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY k", expected);
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {;
// In SR without wait queues (which are unavailable in v2.14), we do get this exception and
// therefore don't have an assertion that this isn't SR here.
// In v2.14, in RC, with certain long batches in certain build modes, we hit this exception
// as well.
// In v2.14 we only get all the way here in RC, because of the error mentioned above.
// In v2.14, in some build modes, there is also a case (conflicting statement is 256) where we
// can retry correctly in SR due to SYNC packet handling.
if (conflictingStatement != 256 && isolationLevel != SR) {
assertEquals(isolationLevel, RC);

* In very long batches, a SYNC message is sent as part of the protocol after message #255
* (counting messages from 1). Our batch detection detects a non-batch by peeking for a SYNC
* message after an EXECUTE message. If there are exactly 256 messages, then the last message will
* be treated as a single statement, potentially causing correctness errors. We test around the
* boundary.
public void testSyncInLongBatch() throws Throwable {
// Params: num statements, conflicting statement, isolation level
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 255, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 255, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 255, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 256, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 256, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 256, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 257, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 257, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 257, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 258, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 258, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 258, SR);

testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 254, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 254, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(255, 254, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 255, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 255, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(256, 255, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 256, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 256, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(257, 256, SR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 257, RC);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 257, RR);
testSyncInLongBatchHelper(258, 257, SR);

* Tests a very long batch in RC, where the 256th statement (currently detected as a single
* statement by the batch detection heuristic) is "k IN (256, 257)", thus forcing a read time to
* be assigned by the query layer, and an error to be returned.
public void testSyncInLongBatchRcCornerCase() throws Throwable {
int numRows = 257;
int conflictingRow = numRows - 1;
IsolationLevel isolationLevel = RC;
setUpTable(numRows, isolationLevel);
final AtomicBoolean failureDetected = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
Thread t = startConflictingThread(conflictingRow, failureDetected, startSignal);
try (Connection c = getConnectionBuilder().connect();
Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
s.execute("SET yb_transaction_priority_upper_bound=0.4");
s.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + toSql(isolationLevel));
for (int i = 1; i < conflictingRow; i++) {
s.addBatch(String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d", i));
String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k IN (%d,%d)", conflictingRow, conflictingRow + 1));


Set<Row> expected = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) {
expected.add(new Row(i, 2));
assertRowSet(s, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY k", expected);
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
// In READ COMMITTED, when the multi-row update statement comes after the mid-batch SYNC
// message, we do not get a BatchUpdateException.;
assertFalse(true); // Shouldn't get here.
// This test currently succeeds. In v2.14 it's simply because the other thread fails.

protected void testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(boolean extendedProtocol,
boolean explicitTransaction, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) throws Throwable {
setUpTable(11, isolationLevel);
final AtomicBoolean failureDetected = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
Thread t = startConflictingThread(5, failureDetected, startSignal);
String preferQueryMode = "simple";
if (extendedProtocol) {
preferQueryMode = "extended";
try (Connection c = getConnectionBuilder().withPreferQueryMode(preferQueryMode).connect();
Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
String query = new String();
s.execute("SET yb_transaction_priority_upper_bound=0.4");
if (explicitTransaction) {
query = "BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + toSql(isolationLevel) + ";";
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
query += String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d;", i);
query += String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k IN (5,6,7,8);");
for (int i = 9; i < 12; i++) {
query += String.format("UPDATE t SET v=2 WHERE k=%d;", i);
if (explicitTransaction) {
query += "COMMIT;";

// In RC in v2.14, without wait queues we do see a failure from the conflicting transaction.
// "expired or aborted by a conflict: 40001"
if (isolationLevel != RC) {
Set<Row> expected = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
expected.add(new Row(i, 2));
assertRowSet(s, "SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY k", expected);
} catch (PSQLException e) {;
// In RR using the simple query protocol, we hit "Restart isn't possible because statement
// isn't one of SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE" (due to the "command" being detected as "BEGIN"),
// and expect a PSQLException.
// In RR using the extended query protocol, it executes as above, a batch statement after the
// first statement which can't be retried at the query layer.
// In v2.14, for SR without wait queues, same thing.
// In v2.14, RC doesn't reach here because the other transaction fails.
assertNotEquals(isolationLevel, RC);
if (isolationLevel == RR || isolationLevel == SR) {
assertFalse(explicitTransaction == false && extendedProtocol == false);
// In RR, in the simple protocol and where there is no explicit transaction, it's able to retry.
// In v2.14, this is true of SR also.
// In v2.14, RC makes it here even in the extendedProtocol case due to the other transaction
// failing.
if (isolationLevel == RR || isolationLevel == SR) {

public void testMultipleStatementsPerQuery() throws Throwable {
// Params: use extended protocol, use an explicit transaction, isolation level
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, true, RC);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, true, RR);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, true, SR);

testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, true, RC);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, true, RR);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, true, SR);

testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, false, RC);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, false, RR);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(false, false, SR);

testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, false, RC);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, false, RR);
testMultipleStatementsPerQueryHelper(true, false, SR);

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