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Bannerbear Node.js Library

A Node.js wrapper for the Bannerbear API - an image and video generation service.


Find the full API documentation here


Node 14 or higher.


Install the package with:

npm install --save bannerbear
# or
yarn add bannerbear


Table of Contents


In Javascript

const { Bannerbear } = require('bannerbear')

And in typescript

import Bannerbear from 'bannerbear';


instantiate Get the API key for your project in Bannerbear and then instantiate a new client.

const bb = new Bannerbear("your api key");

Alternatively, set the API key in an environment variable named BANNERBEAR_API_KEY.

const bb = new Bannerbear();

Usage with TypeScript

import Bannerbear from "bannerbear";
const bb = new Bannerbear("your api key");

const createImage = async () => {
  const params: Bannerbear.CreateImageParams = {
    metadata: [],

  const image = await bb.create_image("image uid", params);

Account Info

Return info about the account or project associated with the API key.

const account = await bb.account();


Create an Image

To create an image you reference a template uid and a list of modifications. The default is async generation meaning the API will respond with a pending status and you can use get_image to retrieve the final image.

const images = await bb.create_image("template uid", {
  modifications: [
      name: "headline",
      text: "Hello world!",
      name: "photo",

You can also create images synchronously - this will take longer to respond but the image will be delivered in the response:

const images = await bb.create_image(
  "template uid",
    modifications: [
        name: "headline",
        text: "Hello world!",
        name: "photo",
  • modifications: an array of modifications you would like to make (array)
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final image object to (string)
  • transparent: render image with a transparent background (boolean)
  • synchronous: generate the image synchronously (boolean)
  • render_pdf: render a PDF in addition to an image (boolean)
  • metadata: include any metadata to reference at a later point (string)

Get an Image

await bb.get_image("image uid");

List all images

await bb.list_images();

Optionally you can provide a page and limit

await bb.list_images(10, 25);


Create a Video

await bb.create_video("video template uid", {
  input_media_url: "",
  modifications: [
      name: "headline",
      text: "Hello world",
  • input_media_url: a url to a publicly available video file you want to import (string)
  • modifications: an array of modifications you would like to make to the video overlay (array)
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final video object to (string)
  • blur: blur the imported video from 1-10 (integer)
  • trim_to_length_in_seconds: trim the video to a specific length (integer)
  • create_gif_preview: create a short preview gif (boolean)
  • metadata: include any metadata to reference at a later point (string)

If your video is using the "Multi Overlay" build pack then you can pass in a set of frames to render via:

  • frames: an array of sets of modifications (array)
  • frame_durations: specify the duration of each frame (array)

Get a video

await bb.get_video("video uid");

Update a Video

await bb.update_video("video uid", {
  approved: true,
  transcription: [
    "This is a new transcription",
    "It must contain the same number of lines",
    "As the previous transcription",
  • approved: approve the video for rendering (boolean)
  • transcription: an array of strings to represent the new transcription (will overwrite the existing one) (array)

List all Videos

await bb.list_videos();
  • page: pagination (integer)


Create multiple images in one API request.

await bb.get_collection("collection uid");
await bb.list_collections(3);
await bb.create_collection(
  "template set uid",
    modifications: [
        name: "headline",
        text: "Hello World!",
Options for create_collection
  • modifications: an array of modifications you would like to make (array)
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final collection object to (string)
  • transparent: render image with a transparent background (boolean)
  • synchronous: generate the images synchronously (boolean)
  • metadata: include any metadata to reference at a later point (string)

Animated Gifs

Create a slideshow style gif

await bb.get_animated_gif("gif uid")
await bb.list_animated_gifs(3)
await bb.create_animated_gif("template uid",
  frames: [
    [ // frame 1 starts here
        name: "layer1",
        text: "This is my text"
        name: "photo",
        image_url: "https//"
    [ // frame 2 starts here
        name: "layer1",
        text: "This is my follow up text"
        name: "photo",
        image_url: ""
Options for create_animated_gif
  • frames: an array of arrays of modifications you would like to make (array)
  • frame_durations: an array of times (in seconds) to show each frame (array)
  • input_media_url: optionally import an external video file to use as part of the gif
  • fps: frames per second e.g. 1 (integer)
  • loop: whether to loop or not (boolean)
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final gif object to (string)
  • metadata: include any metadata to reference at a later point (string)


Assemble video clips or still images into a single movie with transitions.

await bb.get_movie("movie uid");
await bb.list_movies(3);
await bb.create_movie({
  width: 800,
  height: 800,
  transition: "pixelize",
  inputs: [
      asset_url: "",
Options for create_movie
  • width: the movie width in pixels (integer)
  • height: the movie height in pixels (integer)
  • transition: the transition style: fade, pixelize, slidedown, slideright, slideup, slideleft (string)
  • inputs: a list of inputs (array)
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final movie object to (string)
  • metadata: include any metadata to reference at a later point (string)


Take screenshots of websites.

await bb.get_screenshot("screenshot uid");
await bb.list_screenshots(3);
await bb.create_screenshot(
    width: 1000,
Options for create_screenshot
  • width: the desired screenshot width in pixels (integer)
  • height: the desired screenshot height in pixels (integer)
  • synchronous: generate the screenshot synchronously (boolean)
  • mobile: use a mobile user agent
  • webhook_url: a webhook url to post the final screenshot object to (string)


await bb.get_template("template uid");
await bb.update_template("template uid", {
  name: "New Template Name",
  tags: ["portrait", "instagram"],
await bb.list_templates({ page: 2, tag: "portrait" });

Template Sets

await bb.get_template_set("template set uid");
await bb.list_template_sets(2);

Video Templates

await bb.get_video_template("video template uid");
await bb.list_video_templates(2);

Signed URLs

This gem also includes a convenient utility for generating signed urls. Authenticate as above, then:

await bb.generate_signed_url("base uid", { modifications: [] });

// example
await bb.generate_signed_url("A89wavQyY3Bebk3djP", {
  modifications: [
      name: "country",
      text: "testing!",
      name: "photo",
// =>


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Bannerbear project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Node wrapper for the Bannerbear API






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