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allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.yenenahmet:AndroidBaseCore:version'
	// or //
	implementation 'com.github.yenenahmet.AndroidBaseCore:basecorelibrary:version'
		implementation 'com.github.yenenahmet.AndroidBaseCore:base-exoplayer:version'
  • To facilitate structures that can be used throughout the project

Base Adapters

  1. BaseRecyclerViewAdapter
  2. BaseViewBindingRecyclerViewAdapter
  3. BaseRecyclerViewFilterAdapter
  4. BaseViewBindingRecyclerViewFilterAdapter
  5. BaseViewBindingRecyclerViewInputAdapter
  6. BaseSpinnerAdapter
  7. BaseViewBindingPagerAdapter


  1. AlarmManagerManagement // Helper Class
  2. BaseAlarmReceiver


  1. AdapterBindings


  1. CreditCardCardNumberAppCompatEditText
  2. CreditCardDateAppCompatEditText
  3. CurrencyEditText
  4. CurrencyInputWatcher
  5. UnderLinedAppCompatTextView

Di (Dagger2)

  1. AppViewModelFactory

Base Dialogs

  1. BaseBindingDialog
  2. BaseDialog
  3. BindingPopupWindow


  1. BaseFilter


  1. PaginationScrollListener


  1. LocaleManager (Language)
  2. SharedPreferencesHelper (Stroge Helper)


  1. NotificationBuilderHelper


  1. DownloadFile
  2. PageRxInputStream


  1. ChipperManger

Base Sms && Listeners

  1. BaseSmsReceiveActivity
  2. BaseSmsReceiveDaggerActivity
  3. BaseSmsReceiveDaggerLoadingFragment
  4. BaseSmsReceiveRemoteReadyLoadingActivity
  5. SmsListener

Base Ui's

  1. BaseActivity
  2. BaseDaggerActivity
  3. BaseDaggerFragment
  4. BaseDaggerLoadingActivity
  5. BaseDaggerLoadingFragment
  6. BaseFragment
  7. BaseLoadingActivity
  8. BaseLoadingFragment
  9. BaseRemoteActivity
  10. BaseRemoteFragment
  11. BaseRemoteReadyLoadingActivity
  12. BaseRemoteReadyLoadingFragment


  1. ControlUtils -> Email Check -> Tc No Check -> Tax No Check
  2. FileUtils -> createPicturesFile -> takePicture -> saveBitmapToFile
  3. SizeUtils -> dpToPx -> pxToDp

Base ViewModels

  1. BaseRxSingleHandlerViewModel
  2. BaseRxViewModel
  3. BaseViewModel


Medium Post :

1. Project Guidelines

1.1 Class Files

Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.

The name of the class should end with the name of the component; for example: MainActivity, MainFragment, CouponManager, DialogUtils.

1.2 Resource Files

Resource files names are written in snake_case.

Naming conventions for drawables:

Asset Type Prefix Example
Action bar ab_ ab_stacked.9.png
Button btn_ btn_send_pressed.9.png
Dialog dialog_ dialog_top.9.png
Divider divider_ divider_horizontal.9.png
Icon ic_ ic_star.png
Menu menu_ menu_submenu_bg.9.png
Notification notification_ notification_bg.9.png
Tabs tab_ tab_pressed.9.png

Naming conventions for icons:

Asset Type Prefix Example
Icons ic_ ic_star.png
Launcher icons ic_launcher ic_launcher_calendar.png
Menu icons and Action Bar icons ic_menu ic_menu_archive.png
Status bar icons ic_stat_notify ic_stat_notify_msg.png
Tab icons ic_tab ic_tab_recent.png
Dialog icons ic_dialog ic_dialog_info.png

Naming conventions for selector states:

State Suffix Example
Normal _normal btn_order_normal.9.png
Pressed _pressed btn_order_pressed.9.png
Focused _focused btn_order_focused.9.png
Disabled _disabled btn_order_disabled.9.png
Selected _selected btn_order_selected.9.png

1.3 Layout files

Layout files should match the name of the Android components that they are intended for but moving the top level component name to the beginning. For example, if we are creating a layout for the MainActivity, the name of the layout file should be activity_main.xml.

Component Class Name Layout Name
Activity UserProfileActivity activity_user_profile.xml
Fragment SignUpFragment fragment_sign_up.xml
Dialog ChangePasswordDialog dialog_change_password.xml
AdapterView item --- item_person.xml
Partial layout --- partial_stats_bar.xml

1.4 Parameter Files

Parameter names are written in camelCase.

For example: userId, bettingPhase, isTopEvent, hasAnyTopEvent.

1.5 Ids of Views

Id names are written in snake_case.

The name of the id should start with the name of the view; for example: button_save, image_view_arrow, relative_layout_avatar, edit_text_name.

1.6 Branch Names

Branch names are written in kebab_case.

The names of the branch should start with the id of the Jira task; for example: fix/ANDROID-1552-TopEvent, feature/ANDROID-1555-ColoredSquadList.

1.7 Commit Messages

Commit messages are written in a special name convention([kebab-case] *message).

The messages of the commit should start with the name of the branch with square brackets; for example: [fix/ANDROID-1552-TopEvent] *Add top event icons, [feature/ANDROID-1555-ColoredSquadList] *Make implementation colored squad list.