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3.0.6 "But What About Five?"

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@tommyettinger tommyettinger released this 14 Jan 01:18
· 23 commits to master since this release

This release has been slowly bubbling up for a long time, and over a year since the last SquidLib release, here we are. Some GWT-related changed in libraries forced a more concrete release than JitPack would provide with just commits; if you use GWT you do need to update a few .gwt.xml files. The actual features here are less clear than the necessary changes, but there are quite a few bug fixes. DijkstraMap, for instance, had a bug present for literal years that was finally found and fixed. There's some other fixes to math things, like fastFloor() and also to symmetrical FOV. There's a new UnifiedNoise class that uses the same, more legible technique to generate Simplex noise in 2D through 6D, instead of how SeededNoise uses different styles of code for 4D, 5D, and 6D. There's some fixes in FastNoise, such as one that affected 4D ridged cubic noise only.

So, if you use GWT, you need to change .gwt.xml files. All SquidLib usage needs squidlib-util, so GWT needs:

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib-util" />

If you use the display module, you also need

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib" />

And if you use squidlib-extra, you also need

    <inherits name="squidpony.squidlib-extra" />

Other dependencies, if you use them separately, changed as well. An inherit on regexodus will need to change to regexodus.regexodus, and an inherit on anim8 changes to com.github.tommyettinger.anim8 . In general, any library that didn't have a . in the inherits was risking causing some strange GWT bugs, so I've been going through and updating a lot of libraries.

The assets are here as well, only in a .zip file this time, because if you are using the JVM, you can open a .zip file.