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Robbie Hanson edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 1 revision

I can animate that.

The primary use case for Views is to be the data-source for a tableView or collectionView. And there are tools that make it easy to animate changes to your tableView or collectionView when the underlying YapDatabaseView changes.


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override func viewDidLoad() {

  // ...

  // Freeze our databaseConnection on the current commit.
  // This gives us a snapshot-in-time of the database,
  // and thus a stable data source for our UI thread.
  // Initialize our mappings.
  // Note that we do this AFTER we've started our database longLived transaction.

  // And register for notifications when the database changes.
  // Our method will be invoked on the main-thread,
  // and will allow us to move our stable data-source from
  // our existing commit to an updated commit.
  let nc = NotificationCenter.default
  nc.addObserver( self,
	      selector: #selector(self.yapDatabaseModified(notification:)),
	          name: Notification.Name.YapDatabaseModified,
	        object: nil)

func initializeMappings() { {(transaction) in
      let _ = transaction.ext("SalesRank") as? YapDatabaseViewTransaction
    else {
      // The underlying View isn't ready yet.
      // Delay creating mappings until it's ready.
    // The view may have a whole bunch of groups.
    // In this example, we just want to look at a single group (1 section).
    let groups = ["fantasy", "sci-fi", "horror"]
    mappings = YapDatabaseViewMappings(groups:groups, view:"SalesRank")
    // One-time initialization
    mappings?.update(with: transaction)

func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
  if let mappings = self.mappings {
    return Int(mappings.numberOfSections())
  } else {
    return 0

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
  if let mappings = self.mappings {
    return Int(mappings.numberOfItems(inSection: UInt(section)))
  } else {
    return 0

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
  var obj: Any? = nil {(transaction) in
	  if let viewTransaction = transaction.ext("SalesRank") as? YapDatabaseViewTransaction,
       let mappings = self.mappings
      obj = viewTransaction.object(at: indexPath, with: mappings)
  // configure and return cell...

@objc func yapDatabaseModified(notification: Notification) {

  // Jump to the most recent commit.
  // End & Re-Begin the long-lived transaction atomically.
  // Also grab all the notifications for all the commits that I jump.
  // If the UI is a bit backed up, I may jump multiple commits.
  let notifications = dbConnection.beginLongLivedReadTransaction()

  guard let mappings = self.mappings {
  guard let ext = dbConnection.ext("SalesRank") as? YapDatabaseViewConnection else {
  // Process the notification(s),
  // and get the change-set(s),
  // as applies to my view and mappings configuration.
  let (sectionChanges, rowChanges) = ext.getChanges(forNotifications: notifications, withMappings: mappings)
  if (sectionChanges.count == 0) && (rowChanges.count == 0) {
    // There aren't any changes that affect our tableView!

  // Animate tableView updates !
  for change in sectionChanges {
    switch change.type {
      case .delete:
        tableView.deleteSections(IndexSet(integer: Int(change.index)), with: .automatic)

      case .insert:
        tableView.insertSections(IndexSet(integer: Int(change.index)), with: .automatic)
      default: break
  for change in rowChanges {
    switch change.type {
      case .delete:
        tableView.deleteRows(at: [change.indexPath!], with: .automatic)

      case .insert:
        tableView.insertRows(at: [change.newIndexPath!], with: .automatic)

      case .move:
        tableView.moveRow(at: change.indexPath!, to: change.newIndexPath!)
      case .update:
        tableView.reloadRows(at: [change.indexPath!], with: .automatic)

      default: break