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Yet another primitive game engine in Rust


Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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What is yapgeir?

Yapgeir is a game engine in Rust in a lot of ways inspired by Bevy.

The goals of this project are:

  • Single-threaded system runner. This greatly simplifies the system scheduler itself and relaxes restrictions on components and resources having to be Sync and/or Send. Multi-threading is still achievable explicitly, by having a system that launches a thread and keeps a future as a component or resource.
  • It should be straightforward to port it to consoles. Currently, Sony Playstation Vita with a homebrew toolchain is supported. This is achieved by modular design and a custom graphics hardware abstraction layer designed around GLES2 capabilities.
  • 2D games are first-class citizens.
  • Turn-based games are first-class citizens.


Crate graph

State of the project

This project is under active development right now, so if you have accidentally stumbled upon it, keep in mind that as of today

  • A lot of things are experimental. No APIs are guaranteed to be backward compatible.
  • There are no crates released. This engine is currently developed alongside a game where it is a submodule. The engine itself is used as a relative dependency.
  • Documentation is almost non-existent

Building for wasm

The engine currently supports wasm via emscripten. To compile your project, you need

  • emscripten toolchain installed on your system, and emcc available in your $PATH
  • Add Rust target - rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten
  • Add .cargo/config.toml with the following contents:
    rustflags = [
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=USE_SDL=2",
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2",
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2",
        # Optionally set these if you need huge heaps/stack
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=MAXIMUM_MEMORY=4gb",
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH",
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=TOTAL_STACK=16mb",
        "-C", "link-arg=-s", "-C", "link-arg=INITIAL_MEMORY=64mb",
    # In order to load your assets, you must preload them. This line assumes all of your assets are in a `assets` folder and is read relatively to the binary
    EMCC_CFLAGS = "--preload-file=assets"
  • To run your project you will need to put an index.html file in the same place as your build artifacts:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <canvas data-raw-handle="1" id="canvas"></canvas>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var Module = { canvas: document.getElementById("canvas") };
        <!-- Rename src to your actual build artifact -->
        <script src="game.js"></script>
  • Run cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-emscripten --release to build your project



Yapgeir is free, open source, and permissively licensed! Except where noted (below and/or in individual files), all code in this repository is dual-licensed under either:

at your option. This means you can select the license you prefer!

Your contributions

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Yet another primitive game engine in Rust




Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

Licenses found




