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Stock Price Prediction By LTSM.ipynb is the stock price prediction strategy for next day price, it using 60% history data fit the model, the 30% rest of history data to test the model, the 10% history data to predict the next day price.

Stock Price Prediction using Deep Learning with Python.ipynb using 60% history data fit the model, 40% history data test the model and do the next day price prediction.

Predict Stock Price with Linear Regression in Python.ipynb using 70% history data fit the model, 30% history data test and predict the next 3 days price, it uses machine learning method, Linear regression trains the model.


Following companies have been executed in Stock Price Prediction By, some predicted price did not good match the actual value, so will not be recommend to use.

  1. BABA alibaba - 70% match
  2. TCEHY Tencent - 70% match
  3. FB Facebook - 70% match
  4. TSLA Tesla - 40% match
  5. DVA DaVita Health - 95% match
  6. MSFT Microsoft - 80% match
  7. AAPL Apple - 60% match
  8. INTC Intel - 85% match
  9. TSM 台积电 - 85% match
  10. ADBE Adobe - 65% match
  11. AMD - 70% match
  12. AMZN Amazon - 50% match
  13. SCI Service - 75% match
  14. WM Waste Management - 55% match
  15. GOOG Google - 80% match
  16. BEKE 贝壳 - 0% match
  17. Etsy - 65% match
  18. ATVI 暴雪 - 80% match
  19. EA 艺电 - 70% match
  20. TTWO TakeTwo - 70% match
  21. SAM Boston Beer - 70% match
  22. MCD 麦当劳 - 55% match
  23. DG Dollar General - 75% match
  24. PLTR Palantir - 0%
  25. AYX Alteryx - 60% match
  26. GME Gamestop - 80% match ========Following Companies with bitcoin as hedge risk invest===================
  27. SQ Square -

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