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blackcat-917 edited this page May 8, 2021 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the YakYak wiki!

Table of Contents


Please see the read me for how to install in Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. An alternative method for Mac OS X is described below.

macOS (alternative)

Install with Homebrew:

brew tap homebrew/cask
brew install --cask yakyak

Add to Application Menu

To have the program auto start add a “.desktop” file like the to your ~/.config/autostart directory. You can make one like the following and place it in /usr/share/applications to have it show up in your “desktop environment” menus (Gnome, Unity, KDE).


#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Chat client for Google Hangouts
Path=<path to yakyak install dir for cwd>
Exec=<path to yakyak executable>
Icon=<path to logo file, e.g. <yakyak dir>/resources/app.asar.unpacked/icons/yakyak-logo.svg>

Auto Start

To have it auto start when you log in run

cd ~/.config/autostart/
ln -s /usr/share/applications/YakYak.desktop

Colored Emoji 👒 🎩 🙉 💟 🥇👍

macOS 🍎

Install NotoColorEmoji to support color emojis

Homebrew installation method:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-noto-color-emoji

Windows 🏁

Colored emoji are only supported in Windows 8.1 and above, try installing NotoColorEmoji

Linux 🐧

It should have out of the box support, if there is any problem install NotoColorEmoji using guidelines in googlei18n/noto-emoji#36

Specific distribution instructions can be found below.


Install and get more emoji

yay -S yakyak-git ttf-emojione-color



See the Contributing page for more information.

Releasing a new version

The code should be tagged with v<Major>.<Minor>.<Patch> on the repository will automatically build it and deploy to github under the same tag.

For release, remove pre-release tick on the github release page.

Beta testing

Yakyak uses a rolling beta release as it will be updated continuously with new code avoiding having numbered releases. This will allow for more rapid testing from users and avoid cluttering the releases page.

Debugging 🐛


  • Open the main window
  • Click on YakYak menu item
  • Click on Inspector

Debug as a web page in chrome by: introducing breakpoints in the code, console.log and alert("some relevant message")

Server Side

  • Start by running YakYak via command line (see below)
  • Add verbose messages and log it to the console with console.log

Windows press Windows+R and then type cmd then press enter. Then navigate using the cd command (ex. cd C:/Users/yourname/Downloads/YakYak), and start yakyak with yakyak.exe.

Linux open the terminal, depending on your operating system, usually ctr+alt+t and then using the cd command (ex. cd /home/yourname/Downloads/YakYak), and start YakYak with the ./yakyak command.

If you are running a developer version, run npm run electron app.