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Scala wrapper around your exchange rate data for currency conversion (applicable to Spark)


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API Scaladoc: CurrencyConverter

Scala Wrapper around your exchange rate data for currency conversion.

Based on your exchange rate files stored either on a classic file system or on HDFS (Hadoop), this CurrencyConverter object provides for both classic and Spark jobs tools to convert prices and retrieve exchange rates.

This doesn't provide any data. This only provides a wrapper on your feed of exchange rates.

Compatible with Spark 2.

Using currency_converter:

import com.currency_converter.CurrencyConverter

// Or to load data from Hadoop:
CurrencyConverter.loadFromSpark("/path/to/folder/of/rate/files", sc)

// And then, to get the exchange rate and the converted price from EUR to SEK for the date 20170201:
CurrencyConverter.exchangeRate("EUR", "SEK", "20170201") // Success(9.4446d)
CurrencyConverter.convert(12.5d, "EUR", "USD", "20170201") // Success(13.4151)

It's often the case that one doesn't need to have the exact exchange rate of the requested date if the rate isn't available for this date. In this case, one case use the fallback option in order to recursively fallback on the rate of previous dates when it's not available for the given date:

// if there are no rates available for 20170228 and 20170227 but there is one
// for 20170226 which is 0.93d then:
CurrencyConverter.exchangeRate("USD", "GBP", "20170228", fallback = true) // Success(0.93d)
CurrencyConverter.convert(2d, "USD", "GBP", "20170228", fallback = true) // Success(1.59d)

To load exchange rate data, this tool expects your exchange rate data to be csv formatted this way:

"yyyyMMddDateOfApplicability,fromCurrency,toCurrency,rate" // for instance: "20170327,USD,EUR,0.89"

But if it's not the case, one can provide a custom exchange rate line parser this way:

import com.currency_converter.model.ExchangeRate

// For instance, for a custom format such as: 2017-02-01,USD,,EUR,,,0.93178,
// you could use this kind of parser:
def customRateLineParser =
  (rawRateLine: String) => rawRateLine.split("\\,", -1) match {

    case Array(date, fromCurrency, _, toCurrency, _, _, exchangeRate, _) => for {
      exchangeRate <- Try(exchangeRate.toDouble).toOption
      yyyyMMddDate <- Try(
    } yield ExchangeRate(yyyyMMddDate, fromCurrency, toCurrency, exchangeRate)

    case _ => None


Finally, you can specify what range of rate dates to load. Indeed, the default dates to load are 20140101 to today. This might be either too restrictive or you might want to load less data due to very limited available memory:


Including currency_converter to your dependencies:

With sbt:

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""

libraryDependencies += "com.github.xavierguihot" % "currency_converter" % "3.0.0"

With maven:



With gradle:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.xavierguihot:currency_converter:3.0.0'

For versions anterior to 3.0.0, use prefix v in the version tag; for instance v2.0.0