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Hannah Wirtshafter edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the arte-backend wiki!

To get started, procure a compatible computer (see hardware) and NIDAQ cards (also see hardware). The next steps are:

Linux Distro:

  1. Install CentOS 5.11, 32 bit

  2. Change the kernel from PAE to non-PAE

  3. Turn off SELINUX

Plugins & Drivers:

  1. Install the NIDAQ driver

  2. Install Boost version 1.45

  3. Install gtkmm-2.4

  4. Run the NIDAQ test

  5. Install gcc4.4

Installing ARTE

  1. Get it from github

  2. Configure NIDAQ

Spike/LFP Visualizer

  1. Install freeGLUT and GLEW

  2. Run and test spike visualizer

  3. Run LFP visualizer

Putting it all together

  1. Getting multiple visualizers to run at once

  2. Optimize operating system

Congrats, you recorded! Getting ARTE data to MWL format

  1. Compile conversion program

  2. Compile parameters file from mwsoft64

  3. Convert!
