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Releases: willhoney7/eslint-plugin-import-helpers

1.3.1 Patch to remove engines field

26 Oct 15:37
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Add support for a `type` group

14 Oct 03:59
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Add support for classifying type imports as an entirely separate group, if desired.

From the docs:

The type group

TypeScript has what are called type imports, e.g.,

import type { ImportantType } from './thing';

If you would like to treat these type imports as a completely separate group (instead of sorted according to the file it was imported from), add a type group to your groups list.

With the type group:

/* eslint import-helpers/order-imports: ["error", {"groups": ['sibling', 'module', 'type']}] */
import foo from './foo';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import type { ImportantType } from './sibling';

Without the type group:

/* eslint import-helpers/order-imports: ["error", {"groups": ['sibling', 'module']}] */
import foo from './foo';
import type { ImportantType } from './sibling';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

v1.2.1 - Support for large lists of imports

07 Jan 15:47
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v1.2 - ESLint 8 Support

19 Nov 19:43
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v1.1.0 - ESLint 7 support added

10 Jul 19:35
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v1.1.0 is a quick update to support ESLint 7. There shouldn't be any breaking changes.


05 Jul 23:22
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Adds support for ESLint v6 in the peer dependency.


05 Jul 23:20
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Fixes module regular expression: #10

v1.0.0 Released

08 Jun 19:52
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v1.0 has been released! I've cleaned up the plugin a bit, added (some) typescript definitions to the plugin, and tweaked some configuration.

The guide for migrating from v0.14 to v1 can be found in the import-rules docs: order-imports. It should be a quick migration.