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isstaif edited this page Mar 19, 2012 · 1 revision

Imagined uses

You can imagine that the platform will allow you to ask your friend a question or collaborate with your colleagues on a wiki page, or even create the content or interaction you desire, without the need for you as an individual to maintain a Q&A website or a wiki or a social platform.

Your content can later be aggregated by you and others in customized and innovative ways that best serves your or their goals. Imagine two specialized groups called "Ruby on Rails" and "Agile development". Each group will create a lot of wiki pages, questions and bookmarks. You can access the content of each group from its page. Members of the Rails group might discover interesting pages in the Agile group and vice versa. A foreign visitor will be able to explore all the pages throughout a portal. For example he can access the page '' which was originally produced in the Agile group and improved further in the Rails group.